§ 601.5 Lead Agency obligations.

(a) The obligations of a Federal Agency applicant designated as the Lead Agency in accordance with § 601.4(a) shall include, without limitation, the following:

(1) Act as Lead Agency as defined in 40 CFR 1501.5 for the NEPA process.

(2) Integrate other environmental reviews and other applicable regulatory requirements to include, without limitation, Section 106 of the NHPA.

(3) Allow NCPC, to participate as a Co-lead or Cooperating Agency, as appropriate, and consult with Commission staff as early as possible in the planning process to obtain guidance with respect to the goals, objectives, standards, purpose, need, and alternatives for the NEPA analysis.

(4) Invite affected Federal, state, regional and local agencies to participate as a Cooperating Agency in the NEPA process.

(5) Consult with the affected agencies as early as possible in the planning process to obtain guidance on the goals, objectives, standards, purpose, need, and alternatives for the NEPA analysis.

(6) Work with Cooperating Agencies and stakeholders in the following manner:

(i) Keep them informed on the project schedule and substantive matters; and

(ii) Allow them an opportunity to review and comment within reasonable time frames on, without limitation, Public Scoping notices; technical reports; public materials (including responses to comments received from the public); potential Mitigation measures; the draft EA or EIS; and the draft FONSI or ROD.

(7) Prepare the appropriate Environmental Document consistent with the applicant's NEPA regulations, the requirements of this part, and CEQ regulations. If the Lead Agency applies a CATEX and NCPC as Cooperating Agency does not have a corresponding CATEX that it can apply, the Lead Agency shall prepare an EA to satisfy NCPC's NEPA requirement.

(8) Determine in its Environmental Document whether an action will have an adverse environmental impact or would limit the choice of reasonable alternatives under 40 CFR 1505.1(e) and take appropriate action to ensure that the objectives and procedures of NEPA are achieved.

(9) Prepare, make available for public review, and issue a FONSI or ROD.

(10) Ensure that the draft and final EIS comply with the requirements of 40 CFR 1506.5(c) and include a disclosure statement executed by any contractor (or subcontractor) under contract to prepare the EIS document and that the disclosure appears as an appendix to the EIS.

(11) Compile, maintain, and produce the Administrative Record.

(12) Provide periodic reports on implementation of Mitigation measures to NCPC and other Cooperating Parties consistent with a schedule established in the Environmental Document. All such reports shall be posted on NCPC's Web site.

(13) For an application that has yet to obtain final Commission approval, re-evaluate and update Environmental Documents that are five or more years old as measured from the time of their adoption when either or both of the following criteria apply:

(i) There are substantial changes to the proposed action that are relevant to environmental concerns.

(ii) There are significant new circumstances or information that are relevant to environmental concerns and have a bearing on the proposed action or its impacts.

(14) Consult with NCPC on the outcome of the re-evaluation of its Environmental Document; provided that if NCPC disagrees with the Lead Agency's conclusion on the need to update its Environmental Document, NCPC may, at its sole discretion, either prepare its own Environmental Document or decline to consider the application.

(b) When NCPC serves as Lead Agency in accordance with § 601.4(b), in addition to the obligations listed in paragraphs (a)(1) through (14) of this section, NCPC shall:

(1) Require Non-Federal Agency applicants other than the District of Columbia and the Maryland National Capital Parks and Planning Commission to enter into a MOA with NCPC. In the MOA, and in subsequent implementation thereof, the Non-Federal Agency shall commit to providing all necessary assistance to facilitate and ensure NCPC's compliance with its NEPA obligation.

(2) The MOA may be prepared as a programmatic MOA that addresses a uniform approach for the treatment of all applications from a particular Non-Federal Agency applicant or address a specific Non-Federal Agency application. The request to enter into a project specific MOA shall be made after a determination is made as to the inability to utilize a CATEX.

(3) A MOA with a Non-Federal Agency shall specify, without limitation, roles and responsibilities; project information necessary to prepare the proper Environmental Document; project timelines and submission schedules; the submission of periodic reports on implementation of Mitigation measures, principal contacts and contact information; and a mechanism for resolving disputes.

(4) Upon adoption of the MOA, NCPC shall publish the MOA in the Federal Register and post it on NCPC's Web site.

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