1.0 Scope
This appendix covers the test requirements used to determine the net capacity and the AWEF of the refrigeration system of a walk-in cooler or walk-in freezer.
2.0 Definitions
The definitions contained in §431.302 and AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303) apply to this appendix. When definitions in standards incorporated by reference are in conflict or when they conflict with this section, the hierarchy of precedence shall be in the following order: §431.302, AHRI 1250-2009, and then either AHRI 420-2008 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303) for unit coolers or ASHRAE 23.1-2010 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303) for dedicated condensing units.
3.0 Test Methods, Measurements, and Calculations
Determine the Annual Walk-in Energy Factor (AWEF) and net capacity of walk-in cooler and walk-in freezer refrigeration systems by conducting the test procedure set forth in AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303), with the modifications to that test procedure provided in this section. When standards that are incorporated by reference are in conflict or when they conflict with this section, the hierarchy of precedence shall be in the following order: §431.302, AHRI 1250-2009, and then either AHRI 420-2008 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303) or ASHRAE 23.1-2010 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303).
3.1. General modifications: Test Conditions and Tolerances.
When conducting testing in accordance with AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303), the following modifications must be made.
3.1.1. In Table 1, Instrumentation Accuracy, refrigerant temperature measurements shall have a tolerance of ±0.5 F for unit cooler in/out, ±1.0 F for all other temperature measurements.
3.1.2. In Table 2, Test Operating and Test Condition Tolerances for Steady-State Test, electrical power frequency shall have a Test Condition Tolerance of 1 percent.
3.1.3. In Table 2, the Test Operating Tolerances and Test Condition Tolerances for Air Leaving Temperatures shall be deleted.
3.1.4. In Tables 2 through 14, the Test Condition Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature requirement and its associated tolerance apply only to units with evaporative cooling.
3.1.5. Tables 15 and 16 shall be modified to read as follows:
Table 15—Refrigerator Unit Cooler
Test description |
Unit cooler air entering dry-bulb, °F |
Unit cooler air entering relative humidity, % |
Saturated suction temp, °F |
Liquid inlet saturation temp, °F | Liquid inlet subcooling temp, °F | Compressor capacity |
Test objective |
Off Cycle Fan Power | 35 | <50 | — | — | — | Compressor Off | Measure fan input power during compressor off cycle. |
Refrigeration Capacity Suction A | 35 | <50 | 25 | 105 | 9 | Compressor On | Determine Net Refrigeration Capacity of Unit Cooler. |
Refrigeration Capacity Suction B | 35 | <50 | 20 | 105 | 9 | Compressor On | Determine Net Refrigeration Capacity of Unit Cooler. |
Note: Superheat to be set according to equipment specification in equipment or installation manual. If no superheat specification is given, a default superheat value of 6.5 °F shall be used. The superheat setting used in the test shall be reported as part of the standard rating.
Table 16—Freezer Unit Cooler
Test description |
Unit cooler air entering dry-bulb, °F |
Unit cooler air entering relative humidity, % |
Saturated suction temp, °F |
Liquid inlet saturation temp, °F | Liquid inlet subcooling temp, °F | Compressor capacity |
Test objective |
Off Cycle Fan Power | −10 | <50 | — | — | — | Compressor Off | Measure fan input power during compressor off cycle. |
Refrigeration Capacity Suction A | −10 | <50 | −20 | 105 | 9 | Compressor On | Determine Net Refrigeration Capacity of Unit Cooler. |
Refrigeration Capacity Suction B | −10 | <50 | −26 | 105 | 9 | Compressor On | Determine Net Refrigeration Capacity of Unit Cooler. |
Defrost | −10 | Various | — | — | — | Compressor Off | Test according to Appendix C Section C11. |
Note: Superheat to be set according to equipment specification in equipment or installation manual. If no superheat specification is given, a default superheat value of 6.5 °F shall be used. The superheat setting used in the test shall be reported as part of the standard rating.
3.2. General Modifications: Methods of Testing
When conducting testing in accordance with appendix C of AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303), the following modifications must be made.
3.2.1. In appendix C, section C3.1.6, any refrigerant temperature measurements upstream and downstream of the unit cooler may use sheathed sensors immersed in the flowing refrigerant instead of thermometer wells.
3.2.2. It is not necessary to perform composition analysis of refrigerant (appendix C, section C3.3.6) or refrigerant oil concentration testing (appendix C, section C3.4.6).
3.2.3. In appendix C, section C3.4.5, for verification of sub-cooling downstream of mass flow meters, only the sight glass and a temperature sensor located on the tube surface under the insulation are required.
3.2.4. In appendix C, section C3.5, regarding unit cooler fan power measurements, for a given motor winding configuration, the total power input shall be measured at the highest nameplate voltage. For three-phase power, voltage imbalances shall be no more than 2 percent from phase to phase.
3.2.5. In the test setup (appendix C, section C8.3), the liquid line and suction line shall be constructed of pipes of the manufacturer-specified size. The pipe lines shall be insulated with a minimum total thermal resistance equivalent to 1⁄2 -inch thick insulation having a flat-surface R-Value of 3.7 ft2- °F-hr/Btu per inch or greater. Flow meters need not be insulated but must not be in contact with the floor. The lengths of the connected liquid line and suction line shall be 25 feet ± 3 inches, not including the requisite flow meters, each. Of this length, no more than 15 feet shall be in the conditioned space. Where there are multiple branches of piping, the maximum length of piping applies to each branch individually as opposed to the total length of the piping.
3.3. Matched systems, single-package dedicated systems, and unit coolers tested alone: Use the test method in AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303), appendix C as the method of test for matched refrigeration systems, single-package dedicated systems, or unit coolers tested alone, with the following modifications:
3.3.1. For unit coolers tested alone, use test procedures described in AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303) for testing unit coolers for use in mix-match system ratings, except that for the test conditions in Tables 15 and 16, use the Suction A saturation condition test points only. Also for unit coolers tested alone, use the calculations in section 7.9 to determine AWEF and net capacity described in AHRI 1250-2009 for unit coolers matched to parallel rack systems.
3.3.2. In appendix C, section C.13, the version of AHRI Standard 420 used for test methods, requirements, and procedures shall be AHRI 420-2008 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303).
3.3.3. Use appendix C, section C10 of AHRI 1250-2009 for off-cycle evaporator fan testing, with the exception that evaporator fan controls using periodic stir cycles shall be adjusted so that the greater of a 50% duty cycle (rather than a 25% duty cycle) or the manufacturer default is used for measuring off-cycle fan energy. For adjustable-speed controls, the greater of 50% fan speed (rather than 25% fan speed) or the manufacturer's default fan speed shall be used for measuring off-cycle fan energy. Also, a two-speed or multi-speed fan control may be used as the qualifying evaporator fan control. For such a control, a fan speed no less than 50% of the speed used in the maximum capacity tests shall be used for measuring off-cycle fan energy.
3.3.4. Use appendix C, section C11 of AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference, see §431.303) for defrost testing. The Frost Load Condition Defrost Test (C11.1.1) is optional. If the frost load condition defrost test is performed: Operate the unit cooler at the dry coil conditions as specified in appendix C, section C11.1 to obtain dry coil defrost energy, DFd, in W-h. Operate the unit cooler at the frost load conditions as specified in appendix C, sections C11.1 and C11.1.1 to obtain frosted coil defrost energy, DFf, in W-h. The number of defrosts per day, NDF, shall be calculated from the time interval between successive defrosts from the start of one defrost to the start of the next defrost at the frost load conditions. Use appendix C, equations C13 and C14 in section C11.3 to calculate, respectively, the daily average defrost energy, DF, in W-h and the daily contribution of the load attributed to defrost QDF in Btu. The defrost adequacy requirements in appendix C, section C11.3 shall apply. If the frost load test is not performed: Operate the unit cooler at the dry coil conditions as specified in appendix C, section C11.1 to obtain dry coil defrost energy, DFd, in W-h. The frost load defrost energy, DFf, in W-h shall be equal to 1.05 multiplied by the dry coil energy consumption, DFd, measured using the dry coil condition test in appendix C, section C11.1. The number of defrosts per day NDF used in subsequent calculations shall be 4. Use appendix C, equation C13 in section C11.3 to calculate the daily average defrost energy, DF, in W-h. The daily contribution of the load attributed to defrost QDF in Btu shall be calculated as follows:

DFd = the defrost energy, in W-h, measured at the dry coil condition
3.3.5. If a unit has adaptive defrost, use appendix C, section C11.2 of AHRI 1250-2009 as follows: When testing to certify to the energy conservation standards in §431.306, do not perform the optional test for adaptive or demand defrost in appendix C, section C11.2. When determining the represented value of the calculated benefit for the inclusion of adaptive defrost, conduct the optional test for adaptive or demand defrost in appendix C, section C11.2 to establish the maximum time interval allowed between dry coil defrosts. If this time is greater than 24 hours, set its value to 24 hours. Then, calculate NDF (the number of defrosts per day) by averaging the time in hours between successive defrosts for the dry coil condition with the time in hours between successive defrosts for the frosted coil condition, and dividing 24 by this average time. (The time between successive defrosts for the frosted coil condition is found as specified in section 3.3.4 of this appendix C of AHRI 1250-2009: That is, if the optional frosted coil test was performed, the time between successive defrosts for the frosted coil condition is found by performing the frosted coil test as specified in section of this appendix; and if the optional frosted coil test was not performed, the time between successive defrosts for the frosted coil condition shall be set to 4 as specified in section of this appendix) Use this new value of NDF in subsequent calculations.
3.3.6. For matched refrigeration systems and single-package dedicated systems, calculate the AWEF using the calculations in AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303), section 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, or 7.7, as applicable.
3.3.7. For unit coolers tested alone, calculate the AWEF and net capacity using the calculations in AHRI 1250-2009, (incorporated by reference; see §431.303), section 7.9. If the unit cooler has variable-speed evaporator fans that vary fan speed in response to load, then: When testing to certify compliance with the energy conservation standards in §431.306, fans shall operate at full speed during on-cycle operation. Do not conduct the calculations in AHRI 1250-2009, section 7.9.3. Instead, use AHRI 1250-2009, section 7.9.2 to determine the system's AWEF. When calculating the benefit for the inclusion of variable-speed evaporator fans that modulate fan speed in response to load for the purposes of making representations of efficiency, use AHRI 1250-2009, section 7.9.3 to determine the system AWEF.
3.4. Dedicated condensing units that are not matched for testing and are not single-package dedicated systems
3.4.1. Refer to appendix C, section C.12 of AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303), for the method of test for dedicated condensing units. The version of ASHRAE Standard 23 used for test methods, requirements, and procedures shall be ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 23.1-2010 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303). When applying this test method, use the applicable test method modifications listed in sections 3.1 and 3.2 of this appendix. For the test conditions in AHRI 1250-2009, Tables 11, 12, 13, and 14, use the Suction A condition test points only.
3.4.2. Calculate the AWEF and net capacity for dedicated condensing units using the calculations in AHRI 1250-2009 (incorporated by reference; see §431.303) section 7.8. Use the following modifications to the calculations in lieu of unit cooler test data: For calculating enthalpy leaving the unit cooler to calculate gross capacity, (a) The saturated refrigerant temperature (dew point) at the unit cooler coil exit, Tevap, shall be 25 °F for medium-temperature systems (coolers) and −20 °F for low-temperature systems (freezers), and (b) the refrigerant temperature at the unit cooler exit shall be 35 °F for medium-temperature systems (coolers) and −14 °F for low-temperature systems (freezers). For calculating gross capacity, the measured enthalpy at the condensing unit exit shall be used as the enthalpy entering the unit cooler. The on-cycle evaporator fan power in watts, EFcomp,on, shall be calculated as follows:
For medium-temperature systems (coolers), EFcomp,on = 0.013 × qmix,cd
For low-temperature systems (freezers), EFcomp,on = 0.016 × qmix,cd
qmix,cd is the gross cooling capacity of the system in Btu/h, found by a single test at the Capacity A, Suction A condition for outdoor units and the Suction A condition for indoor units. The off-cycle evaporator fan power in watts, EFcomp,off, shall be calculated as follows:
EFcomp,off = 0.2 × EFcomp,on
EF comp,on is the on-cycle evaporator fan power in watts. The daily defrost energy use in watt-hours, DF, shall be calculated as follows:
For medium-temperature systems (coolers), DF = 0
For low-temperature systems (freezers), DF = 8.5 × 10−3 × qmix,cd1.27 × NDF
qmix,cd is the gross cooling capacity of the system in Btu/h, found by a single test at the Capacity A, Suction A condition for outdoor units and the Suction A condition for indoor units, and
NDF is the number of defrosts per day, equal to 4. The daily defrost heat load contribution in Btu, QDF, shall be calculated as follows:
For medium-temperature systems (coolers), QDF = 0
For low-temperature systems (freezers), QDF = 0.95 × DF × 3.412
DF is the daily defrost energy use in watt-hours.
3.5 Hot Gas Defrost Refrigeration Systems
For all hot gas defrost refrigeration systems, remove the hot gas defrost mechanical components and disconnect all such components from electrical power.
3.5.1 Hot Gas Defrost Dedicated Condensing Units Tested Alone: Test these units as described in section 3.4 of this appendix for electric defrost dedicated condensing units that are not matched for testing and are not single-package dedicated systems.
3.5.2 Hot Gas Defrost Matched Systems, Single-package Dedicated Systems, and Unit Coolers Tested Alone: Test these units as described in section 3.3 of this appendix for electric defrost matched systems, single-package dedicated systems, and unit coolers tested alone, but do not conduct defrost tests as described in sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5 of this appendix. Calculate daily defrost energy use as described in section of this appendix. Calculate daily defrost heat contribution as described in section of this appendix.
[81 FR 95803, Dec. 28, 2016]