10 CFR § 1708.101
Scope and purpose of safety investigations
June 9, 2020

(a) The Board shall investigate any event or practice at a Department of Energy defense nuclear facility which the Board determines has adversely affected, or may adversely affect, public health and safety.

(b) The purpose of any Board investigation shall be:

(1) To determine whether the Secretary of Energy is adequately implementing standards (including all applicable Department of Energy orders, regulations, and requirements) at Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities;

(2) To ascertain information concerning the circumstances of such event or practice and its implications for such standards;

(3) To determine whether such event or practice is related to other events or practices at other Department of Energy defense nuclear facilities; and

(4) To provide to the Secretary of Energy such recommendations for changes in such standards or the implementation of such standards (including Department of Energy orders, regulations, and requirements) and such recommendations relating to data or research needs as may be prudent or necessary.

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