Each Recipient must use its CMF Award for the eligible activities described in §1807.301 so long as such eligible activities increase private capital for and increase investment in:

(a) Development, Preservation, Rehabilitation, and/or Purchase of Affordable Housing for primarily Extremely Low-Income, Very Low-Income, and Low-Income Families; and/or

(b) Economic Development Activities.

(1) Economic Development Activity must support Affordable Housing;

(2) The Recipient may undertake Economic Development Activity In Conjunction With Affordable Housing Activities that are undertaken by parties other than the Recipient;

(3) If the Recipient uses its CMF Award to fund an Economic Development Activity In Conjunction With Affordable Housing Activity, it must track the resulting Affordable Housing, as set forth in subpart D of this part, to the extent the Affordable Housing was financed by the CMF Award. For the purposes of meeting the 10-year affordability period requirement, Recipients are not required to track Affordable Housing that was financed by sources other than the CMF Award.

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