(a) Each insured credit union must continuously display the official sign described in paragraph (b) of this section at each station or window where insured account funds or deposits are normally received in its principal place of business and in all its branches, 30 days after its first day of operation as an insured credit union. Each insured credit union must also display the official sign on its Internet page, if any, where it accepts deposits or open accounts, but it may vary the font sizes from that depicted in paragraph (b) of this section to ensure its legibility.
(b) The official sign shall be as depicted below:

(1) NCUA will automatically supply all insured credit unions an initial supply of official signs with a blue background and white lettering at no cost for compliance with paragraph (a) of this section. If the initial supply is not adequate, the insured credit unions must immediately request additional signs from NCUA. Any credit union that does not have an adequate supply but requests additional signs from NCUA will not be considered to have violated paragraph (a) of this section unless the credit union fails to display the signs after receiving them.
(2) An insured credit union may purchase signs from commercial suppliers or develop its own in any color scheme so long as they are legible and otherwise comply with this part. A credit union may alter the font size of the official sign to make it legible on its Internet page and on documents it provides to its members including advertisements, but it may not do so on signs to be placed at each station or window where the credit union normally receives insured funds or deposits in its principal place of business and all of its branches.
(c) To avoid any member confusion from the use of the official NCUA sign, federally insured credit unions are prohibited from receiving account funds at any teller station or window where any non-federally insured credit union also receives account funds. As exceptions to this prohibition:
(1) A teller in a branch of a federally insured credit union may accept account funds for non-federally insured credit unions, but only if the teller displays a conspicuous sign next to the official sign that states “This credit union participates in a shared branch network with other credit unions and accepts share deposits for members of those other credit unions. While this credit union is federally insured, not all of these other credit unions are federally insured. If you need information on the insurance status of your credit union, please contact your credit union directly.” This sign must be similar to the official sign in terms of design, color, and font.
(2) A teller in a facility operated by a non-credit union entity may accept account funds for both federally insured credit unions and non-federally insured credit unions, but only if the teller displays a conspicuous sign next to the official sign stating “This facility accepts share deposits for multiple credit unions. Not all of these credit unions are federally insured. If you need information on the insurance status of your credit union, please contact your credit union directly.” This sign must be similar to the official sign in terms of design, color, and font.
(3) A teller in a branch of a non-federally insured credit union may accept account funds for federally insured credit unions. No teller in a non-federally insured credit union may display the official NCUA sign.
(d) The Board may require any insured credit union, upon at least 30 days' written notice, to change the wording of its official signs in a manner deemed necessary for the protection of shareholders or others.
(e) For purposes of this section, the terms “branch,” “station,” “teller station,” and “window” do not include automated teller machines or point of sale terminals.
(f) An insured credit union that fails to comply with Section 205(a) of the Federal Credit Union Act regarding the official sign, 12 U.S.C. 1785(a), or any requirement in this part is subject to a daily penalty in the amount set forth in §747.1001 of this chapter.
[68 FR 23382, May 2, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 67438, Nov. 22, 2006; 73 FR 62858, Oct. 22, 2008; 74 FR 9348, Mar. 4, 2009; 74 FR 55749, Oct. 29, 2009; 75 FR 53843, Sept. 2, 2010; 80 FR 57288, Sept. 23, 2015]