17 CFR § 275.204-2
[Amendment] Books and records to be maintained by investment advisers
April 15, 2021

(a) *  *  *

(7) *  *  *

(iv) Predecessor performance (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(12) of this chapter) and the performance or rate of return of any or all managed accounts, portfolios (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(11) of this chapter), or securities recommendations; Provided, however:

(A) That the investment adviser shall not be required to keep any unsolicited market letters and other similar communications of general public distribution not prepared by or for the investment adviser; and

(B) That if the investment adviser sends any notice, circular, or other advertisement (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(1) of this chapter) offering any report, analysis, publication or other investment advisory service to more than ten persons, the investment adviser shall not be required to keep a record of the names and addresses of the persons to whom it was sent; except that if such notice, circular, or advertisement is distributed to persons named on any list, the investment adviser shall retain with the copy of such notice, circular, or advertisement a memorandum describing the list and the source thereof.

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(i) A copy of each

(A) Advertisement (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(1) of this chapter) that the investment adviser disseminates, directly or indirectly, except:

(1) For oral advertisements, the adviser may instead retain a copy of any written or recorded materials used by the adviser in connection with the oral advertisement; and

(2) For compensated oral testimonials and endorsements (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(17) and (5) of this chapter), the adviser may instead make and keep a record of the disclosures provided to clients or investors pursuant to §275.206(4)-1(b)(1) of this chapter; and

(B) Notice, circular, newspaper article, investment letter, bulletin, or other communication that the investment adviser disseminates, directly or indirectly, to ten or more persons (other than persons associated with such investment adviser); and

(C) If such notice, circular, advertisement, newspaper article, investment letter, bulletin, or other communication recommends the purchase or sale of a specific security and does not state the reasons for such recommendation, a memorandum of the investment adviser indicating the reasons therefor; and

(ii) A copy of any questionnaire or survey used in the preparation of a third-party rating included or appearing in any advertisement in the event the adviser obtains a copy of the questionnaire or survey.

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(i) If not included in the advertisement, a record of the disclosures provided to clients or investors pursuant to §275.206(4)-1(b)(1)(ii) and (iii) of this chapter;

(ii) Documentation substantiating the adviser's reasonable basis for believing that a testimonial or endorsement (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(17) and (5) of this chapter) complies with §275.206(4)-1 and that the third-party rating (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(18) of this chapter) complies with §275.206(4)-1(c)(1) of this chapter.

(iii) A record of the names of all persons who are an investment adviser's partners, officers, directors, or employees, or a person that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the investment adviser, or is a partner, officer, director or employee of such a person pursuant to §275.206(4)-1(b)(4)(ii) of this chapter.

(16) All accounts, books, internal working papers, and any other records or documents that are necessary to form the basis for or demonstrate the calculation of any performance or rate of return of any or all managed accounts, portfolios (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(11) of this chapter), or securities recommendations presented in any notice, circular, advertisement (as defined in §275.206(4)-1(e)(1) of this chapter), newspaper article, investment letter, bulletin, or other communication that the investment adviser disseminates, directly or indirectly, to any person (other than persons associated with such investment adviser), including copies of all information provided or offered pursuant to §275.206(4)-1(d)(6) of this chapter; provided, however, that, with respect to the performance of managed accounts, the retention of all account statements, if they reflect all debits, credits, and other transactions in a client's or investor's account for the period of the statement, and all worksheets necessary to demonstrate the calculation of the performance or rate of return of all managed accounts shall be deemed to satisfy the requirements of this paragraph.

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(19) A record of who the “intended audience” is pursuant to §275.206(4)-1(d)(6) and(e)(10)(ii)(B) of this chapter.

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