(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the Commission may assess a civil penalty of up to $23,607 for each day that the violation continues.

(b) No civil penalty may be assessed where a license or exemption is ordered revoked.

[Order 225, 47 FR 19022, May 3, 1982, as amended by Order 826, 81 FR 43941, July 6, 2016; Order 834, 82 FR 8139, Jan. 24, 2017; Order 839, 83 FR 1552, Jan. 12, 2018; Order 853, 84 FR 968, Feb. 1, 2019; Order 865, 85 FR 2018, Jan. 14, 2020; Order 875, 86 FR 8133, Feb. 4, 2021]

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