(a) A State shall submit a description of its proposed State program with the State application, which shall:

(1) Describe water and related land resources problems, needs and opportunities, and the priorities proposed for their resolution;

(2) Specify the goals and objectives which reflect the water resources policy of the State and which address the major problems which are of concern to the State;

(3) Describe the major elements of the State water management program, which should address but not be limited to:

(i) The integration of water quantity and water quality planning and management;

(ii) The protection and management of instream values;

(iii) The protection and management of groundwater supplies;

(iv) The integration of ground and surface water planning and management; and

(v) Water conservation.

(4) Identify Federal, State, or local government, or public or private organizations that will participate and a general description of how they are involved in the management planning process;

(5) If provisions are made for pass-through of funds, describe the process by which recipients will be selected, and the purpose of the pass-through; and

(6) List existing or proposed administrative, legal and/or institutional arrangements to be used in coordinating intrastate, interstate and regional water resources planning activities involving State, local and/or the Federal Government with the proposed water management planning program of the State to assure that all such activities are considered in program implementation.

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