If any person shall purchase or sell, with the imported-liquor stamp herein required remaining thereon, or any of the marks or brands which shall have been placed thereon in accordance with the laws or regulations concerning imported liquors remaining thereon, any cask or other package, after the same has been once used to contain imported liquors and has been emptied; or if any person shall use or have in possession such cask or package, with any imitation of such marks or brands, for the purpose of placing domestic distilled spirits therein for sale; every such cask or package, with its contents, if any, shall be forfeited to the United States. And every such person who shall violate any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of $200 for every such cask or package so purchased, sold, used, or had in possession.
19 USC § 469
Dealing in or using empty stamped imported liquor containers
through Pub. L. 116-282, except Pub. L. 116-260