Base year. The term “base year” means the completed calendar year immediately preceding the beginning of the benefit year.
Benefit year. The term “benefit year” means the 12-month period beginning July 1 of any year and ending June 30 of the next year. If a registration period begins in June and ends in July, the benefit year ending date is deemed to be the last day of such registration period. If an employee is eligible for payment of extended benefits, the benefit year ending date for such employee will be June 30, or the last day of his or her extended benefit period, whichever date is later.
Compensation. The term “compensation” means generally any form of earnings or money remuneration earned on the basis of railroad employment during any month, excluding any amount in excess of the monthly compensation base for that month and also excluding payments of the character described in §302.4 of this part.
Monthly compensation base. The term “monthly compensation base” means the greater of $600, or the amount calculated using the following formula:

For the purpose of this formula, “MCB” is the dollar amount of the monthly compensation base, and “A” is the amount of the Tier I tax base under section 3231(e)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code for the calendar year for which the monthly compensation base is being computed. If the dollar amount computed under this formula is not a multiple of $5, it shall be rounded to the nearest multiple of $5. If the dollar amount computed is equidistant between two multiples of $5, it shall be rounded up the nearest multiple of $5.
Registration period. With respect to unemployment benefits, the term “registration period” has the meaning given in §325.1(c) of this chapter. With respect to sickness benefits, the term “registration period” has the meaning given in §335.1(d) of this chapter.
[56 FR 6966, Feb. 21, 1991; 56 FR 10302, Mar. 11, 1991]