20 CFR Subpart B
Eligibility for Youth Services
February 18, 2021
Who is eligible for youth services?
How is the “deficient in basic literacy skills” criterion in §664.200(c)(1) defined and documented?
How is the “requires additional assistance to complete an educational program, or to secure and hold employment” criterion in §664.200(c)(6) defined and documented?
Must youth participants be registered to participate in the youth program?
Is there an exception to permit youth who are not low-income individuals to receive youth services?
Are the eligibility barriers for eligible youth the same as the eligibility barriers for the five percent of youth participants who do not have to meet income eligibility requirements?
May a local program use eligibility for free lunches under the National School Lunch Program as a substitute for the income eligibility criteria under title I of WIA?
May a disabled youth whose family does not meet income eligibility criteria under the Act be eligible for youth services?