(a) Determination. An administrative judge of the OA shall issue a written decision that includes the supporting rationale for the decision. The decision of the administrative judge of the OA concerning whether a debt or part of a debt is past due and legally enforceable is the final agency decision with respect to the past due status and enforceability of the debt.

(b) Copies. Copies of the decision of the administrative judge of the OA shall be distributed to HUD's General Counsel, HUD's Chief Financial Officer (CFO), or other appropriate HUD program official, the debtor, and the debtor's attorney or other representative, if any.

(c) Notification to the Department of the Treasury. If the decision of the administrative judge of the OA affirms that all or part of the debt is past due and legally enforceable, HUD shall notify the Treasury after the date that the determination of the OA has been issued under paragraph (a) of this section and a copy of the determination has been received by HUD's CFO or other appropriate HUD program official. No referral shall be made to the Treasury if the review of the debt by an administrative judge of the OA subsequently determines that the debt is not past due or not legally enforceable.

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