(a) On, or as near as possible to, October 1 of each year, the Secretary must distribute to each participating self-governance Tribe/Consortium the previous year's list of available programs in accordance with section 405(c)(4) of the Act. The list must include:

(1) All of the Secretary's proposed additions and revisions for the coming year with an explanation; and

(2) Programmatic targets and an initial point of contact for each bureau.

(b) The Tribes/Consortia receiving the proposed list will have 30 days from receipt to comment in writing on the Secretary's proposed revisions and to provide additions and revisions of their own for the Secretary to consider.

(c) The Secretary will carefully consider these comments before publishing the list as required by section 405(c)(4) of the Act.

(d) If the Secretary does not plan to include a Tribal suggestion or revision in the final published list, he/she must provide an explanation of his/her reasons if requested by a Tribe.

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