As evidence that the Tribe/Consortium has completed the planning phase, the Tribe/Consortium must prepare and submit to the Secretary a final planning report.

(a) The planning report must:

(1) Identify BIA and non-BIA programs that the Tribe/Consortium may wish to subsequently negotiate for inclusion in a compact and AFA;

(2) Describe the Tribe's/Consortium's planning activities for both BIA and non-BIA programs that may be negotiated;

(3) Identify the major benefits derived from the planning activities;

(4) Identify the process that the Tribe/Consortium will use to resolve any complaints by service recipients;

(5) Identify any organizational planning that the Tribe/Consortium has completed in anticipation of implementing Tribal self-governance; and

(6) Indicate if the Tribe's/Consortium's planning efforts have revealed that its current organization is adequate to assume programs under Tribal self-governance.

(b) In supplying the information required by paragraph (a)(5) of this section:

(1) For BIA programs, a Tribe/Consortium should describe the process that it will use to debate and decide the setting of priorities for the funds it will receive from its AFA.

(2) For non-BIA programs that the Tribe/Consortium may wish to negotiate, the report should describe how the Tribe/Consortium proposes to perform the programs.

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