(a) If OSG determines that a Tribe's/Consortium's application is deficient, OSG will immediately notify the Tribe/Consortium of the deficiency by letter, certified mail, return receipt requested. The letter will explain what the Tribe/Consortium must do to correct the deficiency.

(b) The Tribe/Consortium will have 20 working days from the date of receiving the letter to mail or telefax the corrected material and retain the applicant's original postmark.

(c) If the corrected material is deficient, the date of entry into the applicant pool will be the date the complete application is postmarked.

(d) If the postmark or date on the applicant's response letter or telefax is more than 20 working days after the date the applicant received the notice-of-deficiency letter, the date of entry into the applicant pool will be the date of full receipt of a completed application.

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