(a) Purpose. This section collects and displays the control numbers assigned to collections of information in this part by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980. TTB intends that this section comply with the requirements of §§1320.12, 1320.13, and 1320.14 of 5 CFR part 1320 (OMB regulations implementing the Paperwork Reduction Act), for the display of control numbers assigned by OMB to collections of information in the regulations in this part.

(b) Display.

Open Table
27 CFR part 53
section number
OMB control number(s)
§53.1 1545-0723
§53.3 1545-0685
§53.11 1545-0723
§53.92 1545-0023
§53.93 1545-0023
§53.99 1545-0023
§53.131 1545-0023
§53.132 1545-0023
§53.133 1545-0023
§53.134 1545-0023
§53.136 1545-0023
§53.140 1545-0023
§53.141 1545-0023
§53.142 1545-0023
§53.143 1545-0023
§53.151 1545-0023, 1545-0723
§53.152 1545-0723
§53.153 1545-0257, 1545-0723
§53.155 1545-0723
§53.157 1545-0257
§53.171 1545-0023, 1545-0723
§53.172 1545-0723
§53.173 1545-0723
§53.174 1545-0723
§53.175 1545-0723
§53.176 1545-0723
§53.177 1545-0723
§53.178 1545-0723
§53.179 1545-0723
§53.180 1545-0723
§53.181 1545-0723
§53.182 1545-0723
§53.183 1545-0723
§53.184 1545-0023, 1545-0723
§53.185 1545-0023, 1545-0723
§53.186 1545-0723

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