Figure No. | Title |
1 | Typical layout drawing of a machine. |
2 | Sample bill of material (to accompany layout drawing shown on figure 1) |
3 | Material to be included with the operating instructions on or with the wiring diagram submitted to each customer. |
4 | Sample factory inspection form. |
5 | Typical plane joint. |
6 | Typical combination joint. |
7 | Typical threaded joint. |
8 | Typical threaded straight stuffing box and packing gland lead entrance with provision for hose conduit. |
9 | Typical slip-fit straight-type and angle-type stuffing box and packing gland lead entrance. |
10 | Typical slip-fit angle-type stuffing box and packing gland lead entrance and typical plug for spare lead entrance hole. |

Figure 2—Sample Bill of Material
B. of M. No. ____
Date ______
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
Bill of Material (Electrical)
(Manufacturing Company)
(Unit Name)
(Manufacturing Company)
___ Hp., ___ Volts, ___ Ph.,
___ Cy., ___ R.P.M.
______(Date) Extension.
(Manufacturing Company)
____Hp., ____Volts.
______ Extension.
Cable—Motor to Starter:
Cond. No. ___, ___″
O.D., ___′ Long
Hose—Motor to Starter Cable:
___″ I.D., ___″ O.D., ___ ′ Long
Portable (Trailing) Cable—
Cond. No. ___, ___″
O.D., ___′ Long
Hose—for Portable Cable:
___″ I.D., ___″ O.D., ___′ Long
Hose Clamps—
2 for Motor-Starter Hose conduit ___″ D
1 for Portable Cable Hose conduit __″ D*
*Only when short length of hose is used. Trolley Tap—
(Manufacturing Company)
Model ______________ with ___-ampere fuse.
Rail Clamps, 2.
1 Ground Clamp, Cat. No. ___
(Manufacturing Company)
1 Return Power Conductor, Cat. No. ___
(Manufacturing Company)
or—as Optional
Plug on outby end of potable cable for insertion into receptacle on distribution box or equivalent with short-circuit protective device set at ___ amperes.
Static-free Belt
Catalog No. ___,
(Manufacturing Company)
Guard for Belt—
Overall Dimensions ___″ Long × ___″
Wide × ___″ High
Note: The foregoing is intended as a guide. Additional electrical components used shall be completely identified.
Figure 3—Material To Be Included With the Operating Instructions—on or With the Wiring Diagram Submitted to Each Customer
(Sometimes referred to as “Caution Statement”)
To retain “permissibility” of this equipment the following conditions shall be satisfied:
1. General safety. Frequent inspection shall be made. All electrical parts, including the portable cable and wiring, shall be kept in a safe condition. There shall be no openings into the casings of the electrical parts. A permissible distribution box shall be used for connection to the power circuit unless connection is made in fresh intake air. To maintain the overload protection on direct-current machines, the ungrounded conductor of the portable cable shall be connected to the proper terminal. The machine frame shall be effectively grounded. The power wires shall not be used for grounding except in conjunction with diode(s) or equivalent. The operating voltage should match the voltage rating of the motor(s).
2. Servicing. Explosion-proof enclosures shall be restored to the state of original safety with respect to all flame arresting paths, lead entrances, etc., following disassembly for repair or rebuilding, whether by the owner or an independent shop.
3. Fastenings. All bolts, nuts, screws, and other means of fastening, and also threaded covers, shall be in place, properly tightened and secured.
4. Renewals and repairs. Inspections, repairs, or renewals of electrical parts shall not be made unless the portable cable is disconnected from the circuit furnishing power, and the cable shall not be connected again until all parts are properly reassembled. Special care shall be taken in making renewals or repairs. Leave no parts off. Use replacement parts exactly like those furnished by the manufacturer. When any lead entrance is disturbed, the original leads or exact duplicates thereof shall be used and stuffing boxes shall be repacked in the approved manner.
5. Cable requirements. A flame-resistant portable cable bearing a MSHA assigned identification number, adequately protected by an automatic circuit-interrupting device shall be used. Special care shall be taken in handling the cable to guard against mechanical injury and wear. Splices in portable cables shall be made in a workmanlike manner, mechanically strong, and well insulated. Not more than five temporary splices are permitted in a portable cable regardless of length. Connections and wiring to the outby end of the cable shall be in accordance with recognized standards of safety.
Figure 4—Sample Factory Inspection Form
Date ______
Inspector ____________
Hp.__ F.L. Speed:__ Volts:__ Amps._
Winding: ___ X/P No. ___ (or parts list designation).
Hp. ___ Volts: ___ X/P No. ___ (or parts list designation).
Short-circuit protection ___ amps.
Overload-current protection ___ amps.
portable cable
Manufacturer: _________________
Type: ______ Conductors: _______
Length: ___ O.D. ___ MSHA No. ____
Is all wiring around machine adequately protected from mechanical damage?
Note: Add appropriate material for each explosion-proof enclosure when more than a motor and starter are on a machine.

[33 FR 4660, Mar. 19, 1968, as amended at 42 FR 8373, Feb. 10, 1977; 42 FR 25855, May 20, 1977]