Acronyms and terms used in this subpart have the following meanings:
(a) Acronyms used frequently in this subpart are listed alphabetically below:
BOEM means Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
BSEE means Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement.
CID means Conservation Information Document.
CZMA means Coastal Zone Management Act.
DOCD means Development Operations Coordination Document.
DPP means Development and Production Plan.
DWOP means Deepwater Operations Plan.
EIA means Environmental Impact Analysis.
EP means Exploration Plan.
IOP means Integrated Operations Plan.
NPDES means National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System.
NTL means Notice to Lessees and Operators.
OCS means Outer Continental Shelf.
(b) Terms used in this subpart are listed alphabetically below:
Amendment means a change you make to an EP, DPP, or DOCD that is pending before BOEM for a decision (see §§550.232(d) and 550.267(d)).
Modification means a change required by the Regional Supervisor to an EP, DPP, or DOCD (see §550.233(b)(2) and §550.270(b)(2)) that is pending before BOEM for a decision because the OCS plan is inconsistent with applicable requirements.
New or unusual technology means equipment or procedures that:
(1) Have not been used previously or extensively in a BOEM OCS Region;
(2) Have not been used previously under the anticipated operating conditions; or
(3) Have operating characteristics that are outside the performance parameters established by this part.
Non-conventional production or completion technology includes, but is not limited to, floating production systems, tension leg platforms, spars, floating production, storage, and offloading systems, guyed towers, compliant towers, subsea manifolds, and other subsea production components that rely on a remote site or host facility for utility and well control services.
Offshore vehicle means a vehicle that is capable of being driven on ice.
Resubmitted OCS plan means an EP, DPP, or DOCD that contains changes you make to an OCS plan that BOEM has disapproved (see §§550.234(b), 550.272(a), and 550.273(b)).
Revised OCS plan means an EP, DPP, or DOCD that proposes changes to an approved OCS plan, such as those in the location of a well or platform, type of drilling unit, or location of the onshore support base (see §550.283(a)).
Supplemental OCS plan means an EP, DPP, or DOCD that proposes the addition to an approved OCS plan of an activity that requires approval of an application or permit (see §550.283(b)).
[76 FR 64623, Oct. 18, 2011, as amended at 81 FR 46565, July 15, 2016]