33 CFR § 110.50a
Fishers Island Sound, Stonington, Conn
August 2, 2023
§ 110.50a Fishers Island Sound, Stonington, Conn.
An area on the east side of Mason Island bounded as follows:
Beginning at the shore line on the easterly side of Mason Island at latitude 41°20′06″; thence due east about 600 feet to latitude 41°20′06″, longitude 71°57′37″; thence due south about 2,400 feet to latitude 41°19′42″, longitude 71°57′37″; thence due west about 1,000 feet to the shore line on the easterly side of Mason Island at latitude 41°19′42″; thence along the shore line to the point of beginning.
[CGFR 67–46, 32 FR 17728, Dec. 12, 1967, as amended by USCG–2019–0952, 88 FR 16187, Mar. 16, 2023]