33 CFR § 110.53
Niantic, Conn
August 2, 2023
§ 110.53 Niantic, Conn.
Beginning on the shoreline at latitude 41°18′25.3″, longitude 72°12′16.3″; thence to latitude 41°18′23.3″, longitude 72°12′11.6″; thence to latitude 41°18′50.7″, longitude 72°11′51.5″; thence to the shoreline at latitude 41°18′56.5″, longitude 72°12′05.6″; thence along the shoreline to the point of beginning.
[CGFR 69–24, 34 FR 6480, Apr. 15, 1969, as amended by USCG–2019–0952, 88 FR 16187, Mar. 16, 2023]