(a) Seals.

(1) If you falsely make, forge, counterfeit, mutilate, or alter official seals, replicas, reproductions or embossing seals, or knowingly use or possess with fraudulent intent any altered seal, you are subject to penalties under 18 U.S.C. 506.

(2) If you use the official seals, replicas, reproductions, or embossing seals in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this part, you are subject to penalties under 18 U.S.C. 1017 and to other provisions of law as applicable.

(b) Logos. If you use the official logos, replicas or reproductions, of logos in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of this part, you are subject to penalties under 18 U.S.C. 701.

[69 FR 26051, May 11, 2004]

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