(a) In order to provide reimbursement for law enforcement services supplied by a State or local law enforcement agency, a contract must be executed and approved in accordance with this regulation prior to the provisions of such services.

(b) The authorized contract law enforcement program extends only to 30 September 1979. Law enforcement services acquired by contract under this program shall be limited to those increased law enforcement services required to meet the needs of the public during peak visitation periods. Accordingly, the contract period shall not extend beyond the dates of 1 April through 30 September inclusive, and in no event shall the contract be written for more than 120 days within that time period. The contract may provide for an option to renew for a similar, additional period not to exceed 120-day period in Fiscal Year 1979. Any exceptions to this criteria must be approved by the Chief of Engineers or his authorized representative.

(c) Contracts shall be consummated only with those public law enforcement agencies legally empowered to enforce State and local criminal and civil laws within their respective political jurisdictions. In light of this requirement and the authority cited in §330.3(c), it is recognized that sole source negotiations may necessarily be utilized in the procurement of these services. In negotiating law enforcement contracts with these agencies the District Engineer must determine the reasonableness of the price for the law enforcement services offered under the contract. Such a determination shall be made prior to execution of the contract, in accordance with the applicable Contract Cost Principles and Procedures as set out in ASPR, section 15, part 7, and as subject to the policies contained in this regulation. Such a determination shall be contained in the official contract file and must accompany any requests for deviations from the Division Engineer or Chief of Engineers as provided for in §330.5(a) of this regulation. Contract law enforcement personnel must meet all the qualifications, including minimal law enforcement training, required by State and local laws and regulations.

(d) The contractor shall provide all personnel, equipment and supplies which are required to provide the increased law enforcement services contracted for by the District Engineer. The Corps of Engineers shall not reimburse the contractor for the purchase of any equipment or supplies desired by the contractor for use under this program. However, the Corps of Engineers shall reimburse the contractor for the reasonable costs incurred by him in the rental or use of such equipment which is allocated to the work performed by him under the contract. Such use shall include:

(1) A depreciation or use allowance for such equipment as determined by the service life evaluation system used by the contractor, and (2) the costs of necessary maintenance, repair, and upkeep of the property which neither adds to the permanent value of the property nor appreciably prolongs its intended life, but keeps it at an efficient operating condition.

(e) Reimbursement for law enforcement services shall be considered only for increased law enforcement services to meet needs during peak visitation periods. Each District Engineer shall evaluate and establish a normal law enforcement service standard for each contract situation and include such standard in the plan of operation to be developed in accordance with §330.6(h). Each District Engineer shall evaluate the existing law enforcement services now being provided by State or local law enforcement agencies at those water resources projects or recreation areas where it is anticipated that law enforcement service contracts may be executed, and determine the scope including the type and amount, of law enforcement service which exceeds the normal law enforcement standard, and which will become eligible for reimbursement under the contract. Normally, requests by the District Engineer or his authorized representative for emergency or unanticipated law enforcement assistance will be considered nonreimbursable. Increased law enforcement services, eligible for reimbursement under the terms of the contract, shall be those regularly scheduled patrols or surveillance in excess of the normal law enforcement standard presently being provided by the contractor.

(f) An appropriate orientation program will be given by Corps personnel to all contract law enforcement personnel assigned to Corps projects. The purpose of this orientation will be to familiarize the contract law enforcement personnel with the policies and procedures of the Corps of Engineers, and to familiarize Corps personnel with the functions and duties of the State or local law enforcement agency. The Corps of Engineers shall reimburse the contractor for the cost per man hour as set out in §330.6(h)(4) for attending the orientation program.

(g) The contractor shall be required to keep a record of the services provided to the District under the terms and conditions of the contract in accordance with the criteria established in the plan of operation required in §330.6(h).

(h) The District Engineer, in cooperation with the Contractor, shall prepare a Plan of Operation for the Provision of law enforcement services as an attachment to the contract. The Plan of Operation shall contain, but not necessarily be limited to, the following information:

(1) Identify, by name and location, the project or projects and specific areas (recreation and others) that require law enforcement services.

(2) Describe the normal law enforcement services to be provided by the Contractor without reimbursement by the Government (see §330.6(e)). Identify time of day, number of hours-per-day number of days-per-week, and the number of patrols.

(3) Describe the increased law enforcement services to be provided by the Contractor under the contract. Identify the time-of-day, number of hours-per-day, number of days-per-week, number of patrols, manpower per patrol, and effective starting and ending dates.

(4) Identify the cost-per-man-hour for the provision of reimbursable law enforcement services, and identify the costs for utilization and operation, maintenance and repair of such equipment as allocated for use under the contract. (See §330.6(d).)

(5) The District Engineer and the Contractor should designate specific individuals to issue or receive requests for reimbursable law enforcement services under the contract.

(6) Describe the billing procedures to be utilized for the increased law enforcement services. The Contractor shall provide, at a minimum, the total charges, the number of hours involved, and starting and ending dates of the billing period.

(7) The Contractor shall prepare a Daily Law Enforcement Log (see §330.6(g) for the law enforcement services rendered as specified in §330.6(h)(3)). These logs shall be compiled by the Contractor and submitted to the District Engineer or his designated representative on a regular basis throughout the life of the contract. It is intended by this reporting requirement to minimize the paperwork burden on behalf of the Contractor while, at the same time, providing assurance to the Government with an adequate information base on which to administer the law enforcement services being provided under the contract. Any requirement for additional information to be contained in these reports due to unique or special circumstances encountered in negotiating a Plan of Operation with a particular law enforcement jurisdiction must receive the prior approval of the Division Engineer.

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