(RCS-DAEN-CWO-53) The Division Engineer will submit a consolidated annual report to reach HQDA (DAEN-CWO-R) WASH DC 20314 not later than 30 October. This requirement expires 30 October 1979. The report will contain the following:

(a) Districts reporting.

(b) Number assigned each contract.

(c) Name of projects covered under each contract.

(d) Number of man-hours of increased law enforcement services provided under each contract.

(e) Total contract cost.

(f) Cost per man-hour for each contract.

(g) Corps of Engineers administrative or overhead costs associated with each contract.

(h) Number of arrests and type of offense committed, i.e., assault, burglary, auto theft, etc.

(i) The Division Engineers assessment of the effects of the contract law enforcement program and recommendation.

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