(a) Applicability of regulations. This section applies to all park areas administered by National Capital Region in the District of Columbia and in Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, and Stafford Counties and the City of Alexandria in Virginia and Prince Georges, Charles, Anne Arundel, and Montgomery Counties in Maryland and to other federal reservations in the environs of the District of Columbia, policed with the approval or concurrence of the head of the agency having jurisdiction or control over such reservations, pursuant to the provisions of the act of March 17, 1948 (62 Stat. 81).
(b) Athletics—
(1) Permits for organized games. Playing baseball, football, croquet, tennis, and other organized games or sports except pursuant to a permit and upon the grounds provided for such purposes, is prohibited.
(2) Wet grounds. Persons holding a permit to engage in athletics at certain times and at places authorized for this use are prohibited from exercising the privilege of play accorded by the permit if the grounds are wet or otherwise unsuitable for play without damage to the turf.
(3) Golf and tennis; fees. No person may use golf or tennis facilities without paying the required fee, and in compliance with conditions approved by the Regional Director. Trespassing, intimidating, harassing or otherwise interfering with authorized golf players, or interfering with the play of tennis players is prohibited.
(4) Ice skating. Ice skating is prohibited except in areas and at times designated by the Superintendent. Skating in such a manner as to endanger the safety of other persons is prohibited.
(c) Model planes. Flying a model powered plane from any park area is prohibited without a permit.
(d) Fishing. Unless otherwise designated, fishing in a manner authorized under applicable State law is allowed.
(e) Swimming. Bathing, swimming or wading in any fountain or pool except where officially authorized is prohibited. Bathing, swimming or wading in the Tidal Basin, the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, or Rock Creek, or entering from other areas covered by this section the Potomac River, Anacostia River, Washington Channel or Georgetown Channel, except for the purpose of saving a drowning person, is prohibited.
(f) Commercial vehicles and common carriers—
(1) Operation in park areas prohibited; exceptions. Commercial vehicles and common carriers, loaded or unloaded, are prohibited on park roads and bridges except on the section of Constitution Avenue east of 19th Street or on other roads and bridges designated by the Superintendent, or when authorized by a permit or when operated in compliance with paragraph (f)(2) of this section.
(2) George Washington Memorial Parkway; passenger-carrying vehicles; permits; fees.
(i) Taxicabs licensed in the District of Columbia, Maryland, or Virginia, are allowed on any portion of the George Washington Memorial Parkway without a permit or payment of fees.
(ii) Passenger-carrying vehicles for hire or compensation, other than taxicabs, having a seating capacity of not more than fourteen (14) passengers, excluding the operator, when engaged in services authorized by concession agreement to be operated from the Washington National Airport and/or Dulles International Airport, are allowed on any portion of the George Washington Memorial Parkway in Virginia without a permit or payment of fees. However, when operating on a sightseeing basis an operator of such a vehicle shall comply with paragraph (f)(2)(iv) of this section.
(iii) Passenger-carrying vehicles for hire or compensation, other than those to which paragraphs (f)(2) (i) and (ii) of this section apply, are allowed on the George Washington Memorial Parkway upon issuance of a permit by the Regional Director, under the following conditions:
(A) When operating on a regular schedule: to provide passenger service on any portion between Mount Vernon and the Arlington Memorial Bridge, or to provide limited direct nonstop passenger service from Key Bridge to a terminus at the Central Intelligence Agency Building at Langley, Virginia, and direct return, or to provide limited direct nonstop passenger service from the interchange at Route 123 to a terminus at the Central Intelligence Agency Building at Langley, Virginia, and direct return. Permittees shall file a schedule of operation and all schedule changes with the Regional Director showing the number of such vehicles and total miles to be operated on the parkway.
(B) When operating nonscheduled direct, nonstop service primarily for the accommodation of air travelers arriving at or leaving from Dulles International Airport or Washington National Airport: between Dulles International Airport and a terminal in Washington, DC, over the George Washington Memorial Parkway between Virginia Route 123 and Key Bridge; or between Washington National Airport and a terminal in Washington, D.C., over the George Washington Memorial Parkway between Washington National Airport and 14th Street Bridge; or between Dulles International Airport and Washington National Airport over the George Washington Memorial Parkway between Virginia Route 123 and Washington National Airport. Permittees shall file a report of all operations and total miles operated on the George Washington Memorial Parkway with the Regional Director.
(C) Permits are issued to operators of vehicles described in paragraphs (f)(2)(iii) (A) and (B) normally for a period of one year, effective from July 1 until the following June 30, at the rate of one cent (1) per mile for each mile each such vehicle operates upon the parkway. Payment shall be made quarterly within twenty (20) days after the end of the quarter based upon a certification by the operator of the total mileage operated upon the parkway.
(iv) Sightseeing passenger-carrying vehicles for hire or compensation other than taxicabs may be permitted on the George Washington Memorial Parkway upon issuance of a permit by the Regional Director, to provide sightseeing service on any portion of the parkway. Permits may be issued either on an annual basis for a fee of three dollars ($3.00) for each passenger-carrying seat in such vehicle; on a quarterly basis for a fee of seventy-five cents (75) per seat; or on a daily basis at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) per vehicle per day.
(3) Taxicabs—
(i) Operations around Memorials. Parking, except in designated taxicab stands, or cruising on the access roads to the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial, and the circular roads around the same, of any taxicab or hack without passengers is prohibited. However, this section does not prohibit the operation of empty cabs responding to definite calls for hack service by passengers waiting at such Memorials, or of empty cabs which have just discharged passengers at the entrances of the Memorials, when such operation is incidental to the empty cabs' leaving the area by the shortest route.
(ii) Stands. The Superintendent may designate taxicab stands in suitable and convenient locations to serve the public.
(4) The provisions of this section prohibiting commercial trucks and common carriers do not apply within other Federal reservations in the environs of the District of Columbia and do not apply on that portion of Suitland Parkway between the intersection with Maryland Route 337 and the end of the Parkway at Maryland Route 4, a length of 0.6 mile.
(5) Parking. Violation of a traffic control device regulating parking is punishable by fine. In any violation of a traffic control device regulating parking, proof that the described vehicle was parked in violation, together with proof that the defendant was at the time the registered owner of the vehicle, shall constitute a prima facie presumption that the registered owner of the vehicle was the person who committed the violation.
(g) Demonstrations and special events—
(1) Definitions.
(i) The term “demonstration” includes demonstrations, picketing, speechmaking, marching, holding vigils or religious services and all other like forms of conduct that involve the communication or expression of views or grievances, engaged in by one or more persons, the conduct of which is reasonably likely to draw a crowd or onlookers. This term does not include casual park use by visitors or tourists that is not reasonably likely to attract a crowd or onlookers.
(ii) The term “special events” includes sports events, pageants, celebrations, historical reenactments, regattas, entertainments, exhibitions, parades, fairs, festivals and similar events (including such events presented by the National Park Service), which are not demonstrations under paragraph (g)(1)(i) of this section, and which are engaged in by one or more persons, the conduct of which has the effect, intent or propensity to draw a crowd or onlookers. This term also does not include casual park use by visitors or tourists which does not have an intent or propensity to attract a crowd or onlookers.
(iii) The term “national celebration events” means the annually recurring special events regularly scheduled by the National Capital Region, which are listed in paragraph (g)(4)(i) of this section.
(iv) The term “White House area” means all park areas, including sidewalks adjacent thereto, within these bounds; on the south, Constitution Avenue NW.; on the north, H Street NW.; on the east, 15th Street, NW.; and on the west, 17th Street NW.
(v) The term “White House sidewalk” means the south sidewalk of Pennsylvania Avenue NW., between East and West Executive Avenues NW.
(vi) The term “Lafayette Park” means the park areas, including sidewalks adjacent thereto, within these bounds: on the south, Pennsylvania Avenue NW.; on the north, H Street NW.; on the east, Madison Place NW.; and on the west, Jackson Place NW.
(vii) The term “Ellipse” means the park areas, including sidewalks adjacent thereto, within these bounds: on the south, Constitution Avenue NW.; on the north, E Street, NW.; on the west, 17th Street NW.; and on the east, 15th Street NW.
(viii) The term “Regional Director” means the official in charge of the National Capital Region, National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, or an authorized representative thereof.
(ix) The term “other park areas” includes all areas, including sidewalks adjacent thereto, other than the White House area, administered by the National Capital Region.
(x) The term “Vietnam Veterans Memorial” means the structures and adjacent areas extending to and bounded by the south curb of Constitution Avenue on the north, the east curb of Henry Bacon Drive on the west, the north side of the north Reflecting Pool walkway on the south and a line drawn perpendicular to Constitution Avenue two hundred (200) feet from the east tip of the memorial wall on the east (this is also a line extended from the east side of the western concrete border of the steps to the west of the center steps to the Federal Reserve Building extending to the Reflecting Pool walkway).
(2) Permit requirements. Demonstrations and special events may be held only pursuant to a permit issued in accordance with the provisions of this section except:
(i) Demonstrations involving 25 persons or fewer may be held without a permit provided that the other conditions required for the issuance of a permit are met and provided further that the group is not merely an extension of another group already availing itself of the 25-person maximum under this provision or will not unreasonably interfere with other demonstrations or special events.
(ii) Demonstrations may be held in the following park areas without a permit provided that the conduct of such demonstrations is reasonably consistent with the protection and use of the indicated park area and the other requirements of this section. The numerical limitations listed below are applicable only for demonstrations conducted without a permit in such areas. Larger demonstrations may take place in these areas pursuant to a permit.
(A) Franklin Park. Thirteenth Street, between I and K Streets NW., for no more than 500 persons.
(B) McPherson Square. Fifteenth Street, between I and K Streets NW., for no more than 500 persons.
(C) U.S. Reservation No. 31. West of 18th Street and south of H Street NW., for no more than 100 persons.
(D) Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway. West of 23rd Street, south of P Street NW., for no more than 1,000 persons.
(E) U.S. Reservation No. 46. North side of Pennsylvania Avenue, west of Eighth Street and south of D Street, SE., for no more than 25 persons and south of D Street SE., for no more than 25 persons.
(3) Permit applications. Permit applications may be obtained at the Division of Permits Management, National Mall and Memorial Parks, 900 Ohio Drive SW., Washington DC 20024. Applicants shall submit permit applications in writing on a form provided by the National Park Service so as to be received by the Regional Director at the Division of Permits Management at least 48 hours in advance of any proposed demonstration or special event. This 48-hour period will be waived by the Regional Director if the size and nature of the activity will not reasonably require the commitment of park resources or personnel in excess of that which are normally available or which can reasonably be made available within the necessary time period. The Regional Director shall accept permit applications only during the hours of 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday through Friday, holidays excepted. All demonstration applications, except those seeking waiver of the numerical limitations applicable to Lafayette Park (paragraph (g)(5)(ii) of this section), are deemed granted, subject to all limitations and restrictions applicable to said park area, unless denied within 24 hours of receipt. However, where a permit has been granted, or is deemed to have been granted pursuant to this subsection, the Regional Director may revoke that permit pursuant to paragraph (g)(6) of this section.
(i) White House area. No permit may be issued authorizing demonstrations in the White House area, except for the White House sidewalk, Lafayette Park and the Ellipse. No permit may be issued authorizing special events, except for the Ellipse, and except for annual commemorative wreath-laying ceremonies relating to the statutes in Lafayette Park.
(ii) Other park areas. Demonstrations and special events are not allowed in the following other park areas:
(A) The Washington Monument, which means the area enclosed within the inner circle that surrounds the Monument's base, except for the official annual commemorative Washington birthday ceremony.
(B) The Lincoln Memorial, which means that portion of the park area which is on the same level or above the base of the large marble columns surrounding the structure, and the single series of marble stairs immediately adjacent to and below that level, except for the official annual commemorative Lincoln birthday ceremony.
(C) The Jefferson Memorial, which means the circular portion of the Jefferson Memorial enclosed by the outermost series of columns, and all portions on the same levels or above the base of these columns, except for the official annual commemorative Jefferson birthday ceremony.
(D) The Vietnam Veterans Memorial, except for official annual Memorial Day and Veterans Day commemorative ceremonies.
(E) Maps of the park areas designated in this paragraph are as follows. The darkened portions of the diagrams show the areas where demonstrations or special events are prohibited.

(4) Permit processing.
(i) NPS processes permit applications for demonstrations and special events in order of receipt. NPS will not accept applications more than one year in advance of a proposed continuous event (including set-up time, if any). Use of a particular area is allocated in order of receipt of fully executed applications, subject to the limitations in this section.
(ii) Specific national celebration events have priority use of particular park areas as shown in the following table:
The following event . . . | Has priority use of the following area . . . | At the following time . . . |
(A) Lighting of the National Christmas Tree and Christmas Pathway of Peace | Northern half of the oval portion of the Ellipse | The last four weeks in December as well as necessary set-up and take-down between October 1 through February 1. |
(B) Cherry Blossom Festival | Park areas adjacent to the Tidal Basin and the sidewalk areas adjacent to Constitution Avenue, between 15th & 17th Streets NW | Two weeks usually in late March or early April as well as the an additional two weeks for the necessary set-up and take-down. |
(C) Fourth of July Celebration | Washington Monument Grounds and the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool area | Time required for necessary staging and fireworks set-up and take-down, totaling three weeks in late June and early July. |
(D) Smithsonian Folklife Festival | The area bounded on the south by Jefferson Drive NW; on the north by Madison Drive, NW; on the east by 7th Street, NW; on the west by 14th Street, NW | For a two-week period in approximately late June and early July and an additional eight weeks for the necessary set-up and take-down. |
(E) Columbus Day Commemorative Wreath-Laying | At the Columbus statue on the Union Plaza | On Columbus Day. |
(F) Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies | See paragraph (g)(4)(iii) of this section | See paragraph (g)(4)(iii) of this section. |
(iii) In connection with Presidential Inaugural Ceremonies the following areas are reserved for priority use as set forth in this paragraph.
(A) The White House sidewalk and Lafayette Park, exclusive of the northeast quadrant for the exclusive use of the Presidential Inaugural Committee on Inaugural Day.
(B) Portions of Pennsylvania Avenue, National Historic Park and Sherman Park, as designated in the maps included in paragraph (g)(4)(iii)(E) of this section, for the exclusive use of the Presidential Inaugural Committee on Inaugural Day for:
(1) Ticketed bleachers viewing and access areas, except that members of the public may use a ticketed bleacher seat that has not been claimed by the ticket holder 10 minutes before the Inaugural Parade is scheduled to pass the bleacher's block;
(2) Portable toilets, except that they will be available to the public;
(3) Television and radio media and Armed Forces Inaugural Committee parade support structures;
(4) The area in front of the John A. Wilson Building for the District of Columbia reviewing stand;
(5) Viewing areas designated for individuals with disabilities, except that they will be available to any disabled persons.
(C) The area of the National Mall between 14th and 1st Streets, for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee on Inaugural Day for the assembly, staging, security and weather protection of the pre-Inaugural parade components and floats on Inaugural Day, except for:
(1) The placement of jumbotrons and sound towers by the Architect of the Capitol or the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies so that the Inaugural ceremony may be observed by the Joint Congressional Committee's ticketed standing room ticket holders between 4th and 1st Streets and the general public between 7th and 4th Streets; and
(2) A 150-foot-by-200-foot area on the National Mall just east of 7th Street, for the exclusive use of the Presidential Inaugural Committee for television and radio media broadcasts on Inaugural Day.
(D) The Presidential Inaugural Committee may also use portions of its designated areas reasonably necessary for setting up and taking down stands, bleachers, media and parade support structures as shown in the following table:
The Presidential Inaugural Committee may use the following area . . . | During the following period . . . |
(1) The White House sidewalk and Lafayette Park | November 1 through March 1. |
(2) Pennsylvania Avenue, National Historic Park and Sherman Park | December 7 through February 10. |
(3) The National Mall between 14th and 1st Streets | January 6 through January 30. |
(E) Maps of designated portions of Pennsylvania Avenue, National Historic Park and Sherman Park referred to in paragraph (g)(4)(iii)(B) of this section are as follows:

(iv) Other demonstrations or special events are permitted in park areas under permit for the National Celebration Events listed in paragraph (g)(4)(ii) of this section to the extent that they do not significantly interfere with the National Celebration Events. Except for Inaugural ceremony activities, no activity containing structures is permitted closer than 50 feet to another activity containing structures without the mutual consent of the sponsors of those activities.
(v) NPS will issue a permit for a demonstration on the White House sidewalk and in Lafayette Park at the same time only if the requirements of this paragraph are met. The organization, group, or other sponsor of the demonstration must undertake in good faith all reasonable action, including the provision of sufficient marshals, to ensure that the sponsor:
(A) Maintains good order and self-discipline in conducting the demonstration and any necessary movement of persons; and
(B) Observes the numerical limitations and waiver provisions described in paragraphs (g)(5)(i) and (ii) of this section.
(vi) NPS will issue permits authorizing demonstrations or special events for the periods shown in the following table. NPS may extend these periods for demonstrations only, unless another application requests use of the particular area and that application precludes double occupancy.
Park area | Permit validity period | Permit validity period for inaugural activities |
(A) White House area, except the Ellipse | 7 days | Between October 24 through April 1 for reasonable and necessary set-up and take-down activities for the White House Sidewalk and Lafayette Park. |
(B) The Ellipse and all other park areas | 4 months | Between December 7 through February 10 for reasonable and necessary set-up and take-down activities for Pennsylvania Avenue, National Historic Park and Sherman Park. |
(vii) A permit may be denied in writing by the Regional Director upon the following grounds:
(A) A fully executed prior application for the same time and place has been received, and a permit has been or will be granted authorizing activities which do not reasonably permit multiple occupancy of the particular area; in that event, an alternate site, if available for the activity, will be proposed by the Regional Director to the applicant.
(B) It reasonably appears that the proposed demonstration or special event will present a clear and present danger to the public safety, good order, or health.
(C) The proposed demonstration or special event is of such a nature or duration that it cannot reasonably be accommodated in the particular area applied for; in that event, the Regional Director shall propose an alternate site to the applicant, if available for the activity; in this connection, the Regional Director shall reasonably take into account possible damage to the park, including trees, shrubbery, other plantings, park installations and statues.
(D) The application proposes activities contrary to any of the provisions of this section or other applicable law or regulation.
(5) Permit limitations. Issuance of a permit is subject to the following limitations:
(i) No more than 750 persons are permitted to conduct a demonstration on the White House sidewalk at any one time.
(ii) No more than 3,000 persons are permitted to conduct a demonstration in Lafayette Park at any one time.
(A) The Regional Director may waive the 3,000 person limitation for Lafayette Park and/or the 750 person limitation for the White House Sidewalk upon a showing by the applicant that good faith efforts will be made to plan and marshal the demonstration in such a fashion so as to render unlikely any substantial risk of unreasonable disruption or violence.
(B) In making a waiver determination, the Regional Director shall consider and the applicant shall furnish at least ten days in advance of the proposed demonstration, the functions the marshals will perform, the means by which they will be identified, and their method of communication with each other and the crowd. This requirement will be satisfied by completion and submission of the same form referred to in paragraph (g)(3) of this section.
(iii) No permit will be issued for a demonstration on the White House Sidewalk and in Lafayette Park at the same time except when the organization, group, or other sponsor of such demonstration undertakes in good faith all reasonable action, including the provision of sufficient marshals, to insure good order and self-discipline in conducting such demonstration and any necessary movement of persons, so that the numerical limitations and waiver provisions described in paragraphs (g)(5) (i) and (ii) of this section are observed.
(iv) The Regional Director may restrict demonstrations and special events weekdays (except holidays) between the hours of 7:00 to 9:30 a.m. and 4:00 to 6:30 p.m. if it reasonably appears necessary to avoid unreasonable interference with rush-hour traffic.
(v) Special events are not permitted unless approved by the Regional Director. In determining whether to approve a proposed special event, the Regional Director shall consider and base the determination upon the following criteria:
(A) Whether the objectives and purposes of the proposed special event relate to and are within the basic mission and responsibilities of the National Capital Region, National Park Service.
(B) Whether the park area requested is reasonably suited in terms of accessibility, size, and nature of the proposed special event.
(C) Whether the proposed special event can be permitted within a reasonable budgetary allocation of National Park Service funds considering the event's public appeal, and the anticipated participation of the general public therein.
(D) Whether the proposed event is duplicative of events previously offered in National Capital Region or elsewhere in or about Washington, DC.
(E) Whether the activities contemplated for the proposed special event are in conformity with all applicable laws and regulations.
(vi) In connection with permitted demonstrations or special events, temporary structures may be erected for the purpose of symbolizing a message or meeting logistical needs such as first aid facilities, lost children areas or the provision of shelter for electrical and other sensitive equipment or displays. Temporary structures may not be used outside designated camping areas for living accommodation activities such as sleeping, or making preparations to sleep (including the laying down of bedding for the purpose of sleeping), or storing personal belongings, or making any fire, or doing any digging or earth breaking or carrying on cooking activities. The above-listed activities constitute camping when it reasonably appears, in light of all the circumstances, that the participants, in conducting these activities, are in fact using the area as a living accommodation regardless of the intent of the participants or the nature of any other activities in which they may also be engaging. Temporary structures are permitted to the extent described above, provided prior notice has been given to the Regional Director, except that:
(A) Structures are not permitted on the White House sidewalk.
(B) All such temporary structures shall be erected in such a manner so as not to harm park resources unreasonably and shall be removed as soon as practicable after the conclusion of the permitted demonstration or special event.
(C) The Regional Director may impose reasonable restrictions upon the use of temporary structures in the interest of protecting the park areas involved, traffic and public safety considerations, and other legitimate park value concerns.
(D) Any structures utilized in a demonstration extending in duration beyond the time limitations specified in paragraphs (g)(5)(iv) (A) and (B) of this section shall be capable of being removed upon 24 hours notice and the site restored, or, the structure shall be secured in such a fashion so as not to interfere unreasonably with use of the park area by other permittees authorized under this section.
(E) Individuals or groups of 25 persons or fewer demonstrating under the small group permit exemption of paragraph (g)(2)(i) of this section are not allowed to erect temporary structures other than small lecterns or speakers' platforms. This provision does not restrict the use of portable signs or banners.
(vii) No signs or placards shall be permitted on the White House sidewalk except those made of cardboard, posterboard or cloth having dimensions no greater than three feet in width, twenty feet in length, and one-quarter inch in thickness. No supports shall be permitted for signs or placards except those made of wood having cross-sectional dimensions no greater than three-quarter of an inch by three-quarter of an inch. Stationary signs or placards shall be no closer than three feet from the White House sidewalk fence. All signs and placards shall be attended at all times that they remain on the White House sidewalk. Signs or placards shall be considered to be attended only when they are in physical contact with a person. No signs or placards shall be tied, fastened, or otherwise attached to or leaned against the White House fence, lamp posts or other structures on the White House sidewalk. No signs or placards shall be held, placed or set down on the center portion of the White House sidewalk, comprising ten yards on either side of the center point on the sidewalk; Provided, however, that individuals may demonstrate while carrying signs on that portion of the sidewalk if they continue to move along the sidewalk.
(viii) No parcel, container, package, bundle or other property shall be placed or stored on the White House sidewalk or on the west sidewalk of East Executive Avenue NW., between Pennsylvania Avenue NW., and E Street NW., or on the north sidewalk of E Street NW., between East and West Executive Avenues NW.; Provided, however, that such property, except structures, may be momentarily placed or set down in the immediate presence of the owner on those sidewalks.
(ix) The following are prohibited in Lafayette Park:
(A) The erection, placement or use of structures of any kind except for the following:
(1) Structures that are being hand-carried are allowed.
(2) When one hundred (100) or more persons are participating in a demonstration in the Park, a temporary speaker's platform as is reasonably required to serve the demonstration participants is allowed as long as such platform is being erected, dismantled or used, provided that only one speaker's platform is allowed per demonstrating group, and provided further that such speaker's platform is authorized by a permit issued pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section.
(3) When less than one hundred (100) persons are participating in a demonstration in the Park, a temporary “soapbox” speaker's platform is allowed as long as such platform is being erected, dismantled or used, providing that only one speaker's platform is allowed per demonstrating group, and provided further that the speaker's platform is no larger than three (3) feet in length, three (3) feet in width, and three (3) feet in height, and provided further that such speaker's platform is authorized by a permit issued pursuant to paragraph (g) of this section.
(4) For the purpose of this section, the term “structure” includes props and displays, such as coffins, crates, crosses, theaters, cages, and statues; furniture and furnishings, such as desks, chairs, tables, bookcases, cabinets, platforms, podiums and lecterns; shelters, such as tents, boxes and other enclosures; wagons and carts; and all other similar types of property which might tend to harm park resources including aesthetic interests. Provided however that the term “structure” does not include signs; bicycles, baby carriages and baby strollers lawfully in the Park that are temporarily placed in, or are being moved across, the Park, and that are attended at all times while in the Park (the term “attended' is defined as an individual being within three (3) feet of his or her bicycle, baby carriage or baby stroller); and wheelchairs and other devices for the handicapped in use by handicapped persons.
(B) The use of signs except for the following:
(1) Hand-carried signs are allowed regardless of size.
(2) Signs that are not being hand-carried and that are no larger than four (4) feet in length, four (4) feet in width and one-quarter ( 1⁄4 ) inch in thickness (exclusive of braces that are reasonably required to meet support and safety requirements and that are not used so as to form an enclosure of two (2) or more sides) may be used in Lafayette Park, provided that no individual may have more than two (2) such signs in the Park at any one time, and provided further that such signs must be attended at all times (the term “attended' is defined as an individual being within three (3) feet of his or her sign(s)), and provided further that such signs may not be elevated in a manner so as to exceed a height of six (6) feet above the ground at their highest point, may not be arranged or combined in a manner so as to exceed the size limitations set forth in this paragraph, and may not be arranged in such a fashion as to form an enclosure of two (2) or more sides. For example, under this provision, two four-feet by four-feet signs may not be combined so as to create a sign eight feet long and four feet wide, and three such signs may not be arranged to create a sign four feet long and twelve feet wide, and two or more signs of any size may not be leaned or otherwise placed together so as to form an enclosure of two or more sides, etc.
(x) Stages and sound amplification may not be placed closer than one hundred (100) feet from the boundaries of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and sound systems shall be directed away from the memorial at all times.
(xi) Sound amplification equipment is allowed in connection with permitted demonstrations or special events, provided prior notice has been given to the Regional Director, except that:
(A) Sound amplification equipment may not be used on the White House sidewalk, other than hand-portable sound amplification equipment which the Regional Director determines is necessary for crowd-control purposes.
(B) The Regional Director reserves the right to limit the sound amplification equipment so that it will not unreasonably disturb nonparticipating persons in, or in the vicinity of, the area.
(xii) A permit may contain additional reasonable conditions and additional time limitations, consistent with this section, in the interest of protecting park resources, the use of nearby areas by other persons, and other legitimate park value concerns.
(xiii) A permit issued under this section does not authorize activities outside of areas under administration by the National Capital Region. Applicants may also be required to obtain a permit from the District of Columbia or other appropriate governmental entity for demonstrations or special events sought to be conducted either wholly or in part in other than park areas.
(6) Permit revocation. A permit issued for a demonstration is revocable only upon a ground for which an application therefor would be subject to denial under paragraphs (g) (4) or (5) of this section. Any such revocation, prior to the conduct of the demonstration, shall be in writing and shall be approved by the Regional Director. During the conduct of a demonstration, a permit may be revoked by the ranking U.S. Park Police supervisory official in charge if continuation of the event presents a clear and present danger to the public safety, good order or health or for any violation of applicable law or regulation. A permit issued for a special event is revocable, at any time, in the reasonable discretion of the Regional Director.
(7) Further information on administering these regulations can be found in policy statements published at 47 FR 24299, June 4, 1982, and at 47 FR 24302, June 4, 1982. Copies of the policy statements may be obtained from the Regional Director.
(h) Soliciting.
(1) The in-person soliciting or demanding of money or funds for donation on Federal park land is prohibited, unless it occurs as part of a permit issued for a demonstration or special event.
(2) Persons permitted to solicit must not:
(i) Give false or misleading information regarding their purposes or affiliations;
(ii) Give false or misleading information as to whether any item is available without donation.
(i) Camping.
(1) Camping is defined as the use of park land for living accommodation purposes such as sleeping activities, or making preparations to sleep (including the laying down of bedding for the purpose of sleeping), or storing personal belongings, or making any fire, or using any tents or shelter or other structure or vehicle for sleeping or doing any digging or earth breaking or carrying on cooking activities. The above-listed activities constitute camping when it reasonably appears, in light of all the circumstances, that the participants, in conducting these activities, are in fact using the area as a living accommodation regardless of the intent of the participants or the nature of any other activities in which they may also be engaging. Camping is permitted only in areas designated by the Superintendent, who may establish limitations of time allowed for camping in any public campground. Upon the posting of such limitations in the campground, no person shall camp for a period longer than that specified for the particular campground.
(2) Further information on administering these regulations can be found in policy statements published at 47 FR 24302 (June 4, 1982). Copies of the policy statements may be obtained from the Regional Director.
(1) In Lafayette Park the storage of construction material, tools, lumber, paint, tarps, bedding, luggage, pillows, sleeping bags, food, clothing, literature, papers and all other similar property is prohibited.
(2) Notwithstanding (j)(1) of this section, a person in Lafayette Park may have literature, papers, food, clothing, blankets and a reasonable cover to protect such property, occupying up to three (3) cubic feet of space, so long as such property is attended at all times while in the Park (the term “attended” is defined as a person being within three (3) feet of his or her property).
(k) Sales.
(1) No sales shall be made nor admission fee charged and no article may be exposed for sale without a permit except as noted in the following paragraphs.
(2) No merchandise may be sold during the conduct of special events or demonstrations except for books, newspapers, leaflets, pamphlets, buttons and bumper stickers. A permit is required for the sale or distribution of permitted merchandise when done with the aid of a stand or structure. Such stand or structure may consist of one table per site, which may be no larger than 21⁄2 feet by 8 feet or 4 feet by 4 feet. The dimensions of a sales site may not exceed 6 feet wide by 15 feet long by 6 feet high. With or without a permit, such sale or distribution is prohibited in the following areas:
(i) Lincoln Memorial area which is on the same level or above the base of the large marble columns surrounding the structure, and the single series of marble stairs immediately adjacent to and below that level.
(ii) Jefferson Memorial area enclosed by the outermost series of columns, and all portions on the same levels or above the base of these columns.
(iii) Washington Monument area enclosed within the inner circle that surrounds the Monument's base.
(iv) The interior of all park buildings, including, but not limited to, those portions of Ford's Theatre administered by the National Park Service.
(v) The White House Park area bounded on the north by H Street, NW; on the south by Constitution Avenue, NW; on the west by 17th Street, NW; and on the east by 15th Street, NW; except for Lafayette Park, the White House sidewalk (the south Pennsylvania Avenue, NW sidewalk between East and West Executive Avenues) and the Ellipse; Provided, however, that the free distribution of literature conducted without the aid of stands or structures, is permitted on East Executive Avenue.
(vi) Vietnam Veterans Memorial area extending to and bounded by the south curb of Constitution Avenue on the north, the east curb of Henry Bacon Drive on the west, the north side of the north Reflecting Pool walkway on the south and a line drawn perpendicular to Constitution Avenue two hundred (200) feet from the east tip of the memorial wall on the east (this is also a line extended from the east side of the western concrete border of the steps to the west of the center steps to the Federal Reserve Building extending to the Reflecting Pool walkway); Provided, however, that the free distribution of literature conducted without the aid of stands or structures, is permitted on the Constitution Avenue and Henry Bacon Drive sidewalks adjacent to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
(3) Persons engaged in the sale or distribution of printed matter under this section shall not obstruct or impede pedestrians or vehicles, harass park visitors with physical contact, misrepresent the purposes or affiliations of those engaged in the sale or distribution, or misrepresent whether the printed matter is available without cost or donation.
(l) Rock Creek Park.
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of 36 CFR 5.1, the Superintendent of Rock Creek Park may permit the recognition of and the advertising by the primary sponsor or sponsors of not more than two professional tennis tournaments per year at the Rock Creek Tennis Center.
(2) All activities conducted under this paragraph shall be appropriate to park values and consistent with the protection of park resources and shall comply with criteria specified in a written permit.
(3) Any permit issued under this paragraph shall be valid only for those periods of time during which a professional tennis tournament is being held, and shall limit all advertising and recognition to the confines of the tennis stadium structure and the contiguous paved plaza, not to include any of the fields or paved parking lots except within the interior of permitted tents on Parking Lot A. These areas shall be marked on a map available in the Superintendent's office.
(4) No advertising or recognition activities may take place without a written permit as specified in this paragraph. Any person who violates a provision of this paragraph is subject to the penalty provisions of 36 CFR 1.3 and revocation of the permit if a permit exists.
(m) Information collection. The information collection requirements contained in this section have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget under 44 U.S.C. 3507 and assigned clearance number 1024-0021. The information is being collected to provide notification to park managers, United States Park Police, Metropolitan Police, and the Secret Service of the plans of organizers of large-scale demonstrations and special events in order to assist in the provision of security and logistical support. This information will be used to further those purposes. The obligation is required to obtain a benefit.
[51 FR 37011, Oct. 17, 1986, as amended at 57 FR 4576, Feb. 6, 1992; 57 FR 29797, July 7, 1992; 60 FR 17649, Apr. 7, 1995; 60 FR 33351, June 28, 1995; 60 FR 55791, Nov. 3, 1995; 62 FR 30234, June 3, 1997; 62 FR 32203, June 13, 1997; 72 FR 54843, Sept. 27, 2007; 73 FR 67744, Nov. 17, 2008; 75 FR 8807, Feb. 26, 2010; 76 FR 17028, Mar. 28, 2011; 78 FR 14678, Mar. 7, 2013; 84 FR 32624, July 9, 2019]