This appendix is based on the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute Standard 740-2016, Performance Rating of Refrigerant Recovery Equipment and Recovery/Recycling Equipment.
Section 1. Purpose
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to establish methods of testing for rating and evaluating the performance of refrigerant recovery, and/or recycling equipment and general equipment requirements (herein referred to as “equipment”) for contaminant or purity levels, capacity, speed and purge loss to minimize emission into the atmosphere of designated refrigerants.
Section 2. Scope
2.1 This standard applies to equipment for recovering and/or recycling single refrigerants, azeotropes, zeotropic blends, and their normal contaminants from refrigerant systems. This standard defines the test apparatus, test gas mixtures, sampling procedures and analytical techniques that will be used to determine the performance of refrigerant recovery and/or recycling equipment (hereinafter, “equipment”). Appendix B4 of this subpart establishes standards for recovery/recycling equipment used with flammable refrigerants.
Section 3. Definitions
3.1 Definitions. All terms in this appendix will follow the definitions in §82.152 unless otherwise defined in this appendix.
3.2 Clearing Refrigerant. Procedures used to remove trapped refrigerant(s) from equipment before switching from one refrigerant to another.
3.3 High Temperature Vapor Recovery Rate. For equipment having at least one designated refrigerant (see Section 11.2 of this appendix) with a boiling point in the range of −50 to +10 °C, the rate will be measured for R-22, or the lowest boiling point refrigerant if R-22 is not a designated refrigerant.
3.4 Published Ratings. A statement of the assigned values of those performance characteristics, under stated rating conditions, by which a unit may be chosen to fit its application. These values apply to all units of like nominal size and type (identification) produced by the same manufacturer. As used herein, the term “published rating” includes the rating of all performance characteristics shown on the unit or published in specifications, advertising, or other literature controlled by the manufacturer, at stated rating conditions.
3.5 Push/Pull Liquid Recovery. The push/pull refrigerant recovery method is defined as the process of transferring liquid refrigerant from a refrigeration system to a receiving vessel by lowering the pressure in the vessel and raising the pressure in the system, and by connecting a separate line between the system liquid port and the receiving vessel.
3.6 Recycle Flow Rate. The amount of refrigerant processed divided by the time elapsed in the recycling mode. For equipment which uses a separate recycling sequence, the recycle rate does not include the recovery rate (or elapsed time). For equipment which does not use a separate recycling sequence, the recycle rate is a rate based solely on the higher of the liquid or vapor recovery rate, by which the contaminant levels were measured.
3.7 Residual Trapped Refrigerant. Refrigerant remaining in equipment after clearing refrigerant.
3.8 Shall, Should, Recommended or It Is Recommended shall be interpreted as follows:
3.8.1 Shall. Where “shall” or “shall not” is used for a provision specified, that provision is mandatory if compliance with this appendix is claimed.
3.8.2 Should, Recommended or It Is Recommended is used to indicate provisions which are not mandatory but which are desirable as good practice.
3.9 Standard Contaminated Refrigerant Sample. A mixture of new or reclaimed refrigerant and specified quantities of identified contaminants which constitute the mixture to be processed by the equipment under test. These contaminant levels are expected only from severe service conditions.
3.10 Trapped Refrigerant. The amount of refrigerant remaining in the equipment after the recovery or recovery/recycling operation but before clearing refrigerant.
3.11 Vapor Recovery Rate. The average rate that refrigerant is withdrawn from the mixing chamber between two pressures as vapor recovery rate is changing depending on the pressure. The initial condition is vapor only at saturation pressure and temperature at either 24 °C or at the boiling point at 100 kPa, whichever is higher. The final pressure condition is 10 percent of the initial pressure, but not lower than the equipment final recovery vacuum and not higher than 100 kPa.
Section 4. General Equipment Requirements
4.1 Equipment Information. The equipment manufacturer shall provide operating instructions, necessary maintenance procedures, and source information for replacement parts and repair.
4.2 Filter Replacement. The equipment shall indicate when any filter/drier(s) needs replacement. This requirement can be met by use of a moisture transducer and indicator light, by use of a sight glass/moisture indicator, or by some measurement of the amount of refrigerant processed such as a flow meter or hour meter. The equipment manufacturer must provide maximum quantity recycled or filter change interval in its written instructions.
4.3 Purge of Non-Condensable. If non-condensables are purged, the equipment shall either automatically purge non-condensables or provide an indicating means to guide the purge process. Recycling equipment must provide purge means.
4.4 Purge Loss. The total refrigerant loss due to purging non-condensables, draining oil, and clearing refrigerant (see Section 9.5) shall be less than 3 percent (by weight) of total processed refrigerant.
4.5 Permeation Rate. High pressure hose assemblies 5⁄8 in. (16 mm) nominal and smaller shall not exceed a permeation rate of 3.9 g/cm2/yr (internal surface) at a temperature of 48.8 °C. Hose assemblies that UL recognized as having passed UL 1963, 2011 requirements shall be accepted without testing. See Section 7.1.4 of this appendix.
4.6 Clearing Trapped Refrigerant. For equipment rated for more than one refrigerant, the manufacturer shall provide a method and instructions which will accomplish connections and clearing within 15 minutes. Special equipment, other than a vacuum pump or manifold gauge set, shall be furnished. The clearing procedure shall not rely upon the storage cylinder below saturated pressure conditions at ambient temperature.
4.7 Temperature. The equipment shall be evaluated at 24 °C with additional limited evaluation at 40 °C. Normal operating conditions range from 10 °C to 40 °C.
4.8 Exemptions. Equipment intended for recovery only shall be exempt from Sections 4.2 and 4.3.
Section 5. Contaminated Refrigerants
5.1 Sample Characteristics. The standard contaminated refrigerant sample shall have the characteristics specified in Table 1, except as provided in Section 5.2 of this appendix. Testing shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 24 °C ± 1 °C except high temperature vapor recovery shall be 40 °C ± 1 °C.
5.2 Recovery-only Testing. Recovery equipment not rated for removal of contaminants shall be tested with new or reclaimed refrigerant.

Section 6. Test Apparatus
6.1 General Recommendations. The recommended test apparatus is described in the following paragraphs. If alternate test apparatus are employed, the user shall be able to demonstrate that they produce results equivalent to the specified reference apparatus.
6.2 Self-Contained Equipment Test Apparatus. The apparatus, shown in Figure 1, shall consist of:
6.2.1 Mixing Chamber. A mixing chamber consisting of a tank with a conical-shaped bottom, a bottom port and piping for delivering refrigerant to the equipment, various ports and valves for adding refrigerant to the chamber, and stirring means for mixing.
6.2.2 Filling Storage Cylinder. The storage cylinder to be filled by the refrigerant transferred shall be cleaned and at the pressure of the recovered refrigerant at the beginning of the test. It will not be filled over 80 percent, by volume.
6.2.3 Vapor Feed. Vapor refrigerant feed consisting of evaporator, control valves and piping to create a 3.0 °C superheat condition at an evaporating temperature of 21 °C ± 2 °C.
6.2.4 Alternative Vapor Feed. An alternative method for vapor feed shall be to pass the refrigerant through a boiler and then through an automatic pressure regulating valve set at different saturation pressures, moving from saturated pressure at 24 °C to final pressure of recovery.
6.2.5 Liquid Feed. Liquid refrigerant feed consisting of control valves, sampling port, and piping.
6.2.6 Instrumentation. Instrumentation capable of measuring weight, temperature, pressure, and refrigerant loss, as required.

6.3 Size. The size of the mixing chamber and filling storage cylinder used during testing shall correspond to the size of the equipment being tested per Section 6.3.1 or 6.3.2:
6.3.1 For equipment utilizing nominal 1⁄4 ″ or 3⁄8 ″ flare ports and hoses, the mixing chamber shall be 0.09 m3 and all ports, valves, mixing valves, and piping shall be 1⁄2 ″ or larger, reduced down to the port size of the equipment by fittings at the connection ports of the mixing chamber. The filling storage cylinder used during testing shall be a nominal 50-pound water capacity DOT 4Bx cylinder with 1⁄4 ″ flare liquid and vapor ports.
6.3.2 For equipment utilizing 1⁄2 ″ or larger flare ports and hoses, the mixing chamber shall be 0.45 m3 (or nominal 1000-pound water capacity DOT 4Bx cylinder) and all ports, valves, mixing valves, and piping shall be 11⁄2 ″ or larger, reduced down to the port size of the equipment by fittings at the connection ports of the mixing chamber. The filling storage cylinder used during testing shall be a nominal 1000-pound water capacity DOT 4Bx cylinder with liquid and vapor ports, valves and piping sized 3⁄4 ″ NPT and reduced or increased to the port size of the equipment by fittings at the connection ports of the filling storage cylinder.
6.4 System Dependent Equipment Test Apparatus. This test apparatus is to be used for final recovery vacuum rating of all system dependent equipment.
6.4.1 Test Setup. The test apparatus shown in Figure 2 consists of a complete refrigeration system. The manufacturer shall identify the refrigerants to be tested. The test apparatus can be modified to facilitate operation or testing of the system dependent equipment if the modifications to the apparatus are specifically described within the manufacturer's literature. A 6.3 mm balance line shall be connected across the test apparatus between the high- and low-pressure sides, with an isolation valve located at the connection to the compressor high side. A 6.3 mm access port with a valve core shall be located in the balance line for the purpose of measuring final recovery vacuum at the conclusion of the test.

Section 7. Performance Testing Procedures
7.1 General Testing.
7.1.1 Temperatures. Testing shall be conducted at an ambient temperature of 24 °C ± 1 °C except high temperature vapor recovery shall be at 40 °C ± 1 °C. The evaporator conditions of Section 6.2.3 shall be maintained as long as liquid refrigerant remains in the mixing chamber.
7.1.2 Refrigerants. The equipment shall be tested for all designated refrigerants (see Section 11.2). All tests in Section 7 shall be completed for each refrigerant before starting tests with the next refrigerant.
7.1.3 Selected Tests. Tests shall be as appropriate for the equipment type and ratings parameters selected (see Sections 9.9, 11.1 and 11.2).
7.1.4 Hose Assemblies. For the purpose of limiting refrigerant emissions to the atmosphere, hose assemblies shall be tested for permeation according to UL Standard 1963 (incorporated by reference, see §82.168).
7.2 Equipment Preparation and Operation. The equipment shall be prepared and operated per the operating instructions.
7.3 Test Batch. The test batch consisting of refrigerant sample (see Section 5) of the test refrigerant shall be prepared and thoroughly mixed. Continued mixing or stirring shall be required during the test while liquid refrigerant remains in the mixing chamber. The mixing chamber shall be filled to 80 percent level by volume.
7.3.1 Control Test Batch. Prior to starting the test for the first batch for each refrigerant, a liquid sample will be drawn from the mixing chamber and analyzed per Section 8 to assure that contaminant levels match Table 1 within ±10 ppm for moisture, ±20 ppm for oleic acid and ±0.5 percent for oil.
7.4 Recovery Tests (Recovery and Recovery/Recycling Equipment)
7.4.1 Determining Recovery Rates. The liquid and vapor refrigerant recovery rates shall be measured during the first test batch for each refrigerant (see Sections 9.1, 9.2 and 9.4). Equipment preparation and recovery cylinder changeover shall not be included in elapsed time measurements for determining vapor recovery rate and liquid refrigerant recovery rate. Operations such as subcooling the recovery cylinder shall be included. The recovery cylinder shall be the same size as per Section 6.3 or as furnished by the equipment manufacturer. Oversized tanks shall not be permitted. Liquid Refrigerant Recovery Rate. If elected, the recovery rate using the liquid refrigerant feed means (see Section 6.2.5) shall be determined. After the equipment reaches stabilized conditions of condensing temperature and/or recovery cylinder pressure, the recovery process shall be stopped and an initial weight shall be taken of the mixing chamber (see Section 9.2). The recovery process shall be continued for a period of time sufficient to achieve the accuracy in Section 9.4. The recovery process shall be stopped and a final weight of the mixing chamber shall be taken. Vapor Refrigerant Recovery Rate. If elected, the average vapor flow rate shall be measured to accuracy requirements in Section 9.4 under conditions with no liquid refrigerant in the mixing chamber. The liquid recovery feed means shall be used. At initial conditions of saturated vapor at the higher of 24 °C or the boiling temperature (100 kPa), the weight of the mixing chamber and the pressure shall be recorded. At final conditions representing pressure in the mixing chamber of 10 percent of the initial condition, but not less than the final recovery vacuum (see Section 9.6) nor more than 100 kPa, measure the weight of the mixing chamber and the elapsed time. At initial conditions, the recovery cylinder shall be at saturation pressure at ambient conditions. High Temperature Vapor Recovery Rate. This is applicable for equipment having at least one designated refrigerant (see Section 11.2) with a boiling point between −50 °C and +10 °C. Measure the rate for R-22, or the refrigerant with the lowest boiling point if R-22 is not a designated refrigerant. Repeat the test in Section at saturated conditions at 40 °C and continue to operate equipment to assure it will operate at this condition (see Section 7.4.3). At initial conditions, the recovery cylinder shall be at saturated pressure at 40 °C. Push/Pull Liquid Refrigerant Recovery Rate. If elected, the average liquid push/pull flow rate shall be measured to accuracy requirements in Section 9.4. The mixing chamber and filling storage cylinder shall be filled with refrigerant vapor at initial conditions of saturated vapor at the higher of 24 °C or the boiling temperature at 100 kPa. An amount of liquid refrigerant shall be added to the mixing chamber equivalent to 80 percent by weight of the capacity of the filling storage cylinder. The pressure between the mixing chamber and filling storage cylinder shall be equalized and stabilized at initial conditions of saturated vapor at the higher of 24 °C or the boiling temperature at 100 kPa. The initial weight of the mixing chamber and the pressure shall be recorded. The equipment is then operated in push/pull liquid recovery mode and the weight change of the mixing chamber is recorded over time until all of the liquid has been transferred.
7.4.2 Recovery Operation. This test is for determining the final recovery vacuum and the ability to remove contaminants as appropriate. If equipment is rated for liquid recovery (see Section, liquid recovery feed means described in Section 6.2.5 shall be used. If not, vapor recovery means described in Sections 6.2.3 or 6.2.4 shall be used. Continue recovery operation until all liquid is removed from the test apparatus and vapor is removed to the point where equipment shuts down by automatic means or is manually shut off per operating instructions. Oil Draining. Capture oil from the equipment at intervals as required in the instructions. Record the weight of the container. Completely remove refrigerant from oil by evacuation or other appropriate means. The weight difference shall be used in Section 7.5.2.
7.4.3 Final Recovery Vacuum. At the end of the first test batch for each refrigerant, the liquid valve and vapor valve of the apparatus shall be closed. After waiting 1 minute, the mixing chamber pressure shall be recorded (see Section 9.6).
7.4.4 Residual Refrigerant. This test will measure the mass of remaining refrigerant in the equipment after clearing and therefore the extent of mixing different refrigerants (see Section 9.6). Initial Conditions. At the end of the last test for each batch for each refrigerant, the equipment shall be disconnected from the test apparatus (Figure 1). Recycle per Section 7.5, if appropriate. Perform refrigerant clearing operations as called for in the instruction manual. Capture and record the weight of any refrigerant which would have been emitted to the atmosphere during the clearing process for use in Section 9.5. If two loops are used for recycling, trapped refrigerant shall be measured for both. Residual Trapped Refrigerant. Evacuate an empty test cylinder to 1.0 kPa. Record the empty weight of the test cylinder. Open all valves to the equipment so as to provide access to all trapped refrigerant. Connect the equipment to the test cylinder and operate valves to recover the residual refrigerant. Record the weight of the test cylinder using a recovery cylinder pressure no less than specified in Section 6.2.2. Place the test cylinder in liquid nitrogen for a period of 30 minutes or until a vacuum of 1000 microns is reached, whichever occurs first.
7.5 Recycling Tests (Recovery/Recycling Equipment).
7.5.1 Recycling Operation. As each recovery cylinder is filled in Section 7.4.2, recycle according to operating instructions. There will not necessarily be a separate recycling sequence. Note non-condensable purge measurement in Section 9.5. Recycle Flow Rate. While recycling the first recovery cylinder for each refrigerant, determine the recycling flow rate by appropriate means (see Section 9.3) to achieve the accuracy required in Section 9.4.
7.5.2 Non-Condensable Sample. After completing Section 7.4.3, prepare a second test batch (see Section 7.3). Recover per Section 7.4.2 until the current recovery cylinder is filled to 80 percent level by volume. Recycle per Section 7.5.1. Mark this cylinder and set aside for taking the vapor sample. For equipment having both an internal tank of at least 3 kg refrigerant capacity and an external recovery cylinder, two recovery cylinders shall be marked and set aside. The first is the cylinder described above. The second cylinder is the final recovery cylinder after filling it to 80 percent level by volume and recycling. Push/Pull Liquid Refrigerant Recovery Rate. This rate shall be measured by weight change of the mixing chamber divided by elapsed time (see Section The units shall be kg/min and the accuracy shall be per Section 9.4.
7.5.3 Liquid Sample for Analysis. Repeat steps in Sections 7.3, 7.4.2 and 7.5.1 with further test batches until indication means in Section 4.2 show the filter/drier(s) need replacing. Multiple Pass. For equipment with a separate recycling circuit (multiple pass), set aside the current cylinder and draw the liquid sample (see Section 7.4) from the previous cylinder. Single Pass. For equipment with the single pass recycling circuit, draw the liquid sample (see Section 7.4) from the current cylinder.
7.6 Measuring Refrigerant Loss. Refrigerant loss due to non-condensables shall be determined by appropriate means (see Section 9.5.1). The loss could occur in Sections 7.4.1, 7.4.2 and 7.5.1.
Section 8. Sampling and Chemical Analysis Methods
8.1 Chemical Analysis. Chemical analysis methods shall be specified in appropriate standards such as AHRI Standard 700, 2008 Appendix C for Analytical Procedures for AHRI Standard 700-2014- Normative, and Addendum 700-1 to Appendix C. If alternate test methods are employed, the laboratory must be able to demonstrate that they produce results equivalent to the specified referee method.
8.2 Refrigerant Sampling.
8.2.1 Moisture Content. The water content in refrigerant shall be measured by the Karl Fischer Coulometric Titration technique. Report the moisture level in parts per million by weight.
8.2.2 Chloride Ions. Chloride ions shall be measured by turbidity tests. At this time, quantitative results have not been defined. Report chloride content as “pass” or “fail.” In the future, when quantitative results are possible, report chloride content as parts per million by weight.
8.2.3 Acid Content. The acidity test uses the titration principle. Report the acidity in parts per million by weight (mg KOH/kg) of sample.
8.2.4 High Boiling Residue. High boiling residues shall use measurement of the volume of residue after evaporating a standard volume of refrigerant. Using weight measurement and converting to volumetric units is acceptable. Report high boiling residues as percent by volume.
8.2.5 Particulates/Solids. The particulates/solids measurement employs visual examination. Report results as “pass” or “fail.”
8.2.6 Non-condensables. The level of contamination by non-condensable gases in the base refrigerant being recycled shall be determined by gas chromatography. Report results as percent by volume.
Section 9. Performance Calculations for Ratings
9.1 Vapor Refrigerant Recovery Rate. This rate shall be measured by weight change of the mixing chamber divided by elapsed time (see The units shall be kg/min and the accuracy shall be per Section 9.4.
9.1.1 High Temperature Vapor Recovery Rate. This rate shall be measured by measured weight change of the mixing chamber divided by elapsed time (see Section The units shall be kg/min and the accuracy shall be per Section 9.4.
9.2 Liquid Refrigerant Recovery Rate. This rate shall be measured by weight change of the mixing chamber divided by elapsed time (see The units shall be kg/min and the accuracy shall be per Section 9.4.
9.3 Recycle Flow Rate. The recycle flow rate shall be as defined in Section 3.12, expressed in kg/min, and the accuracy shall be per Section 9.4.
9.3.1 For equipment using multi-pass recycling or a separate sequence, the recycle rate shall be determined by dividing the net weight, W, of the refrigerant to be recycled by the actual time T required to recycle. Any set-up or operator interruptions shall not be included in the time T.
9.3.2 If no separate recycling sequence is used, the recycle rate shall be the higher of the vapor refrigerant recovery rate or the liquid refrigerant recovery rate. The recycle rate shall match a process which leads to contaminant levels in Section 9.9. Specifically, a recovery rate determined from bypassing a contaminant removal device cannot be used as a recycle rate when the contaminant levels in Section 9.9 are determined by passing the refrigerant through the contaminant removal device.
9.4 Accuracy of Flow Rates. The accuracy of test measurements in Sections 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3 shall be ±008 kg/min for flow rates up to 0.42 kg/min and ±2.0 percent for flow rates larger than 0.42 kg/min. Ratings shall be expressed to the nearest 0.02 kg/min.
9.5 Refrigerant Loss. This calculation will be based upon the net loss of refrigerant which would have been eliminated in the non-condensable purge process (see Section 7.5.1), the oil draining process (see Section and the refrigerant clearing process (see Section, all divided by the net refrigerant content of the test batches. The refrigerant loss shall not exceed 3 percent by weight.
9.5.1 Non-Condensable Purge. Evacuate an empty container to 2 kPa. Record the empty weight of the container. Place the container in a dry ice bath. Connect the equipment purge connection to the container and operate purge according to operating instructions so as to capture the non-condensables and lost refrigerant. Weigh the cylinder after the recycling is complete. Equivalent means are permissible.
For units which either recycle or publish (list) non-condensable removal, non-condensable gases are purged, operating the recycle device per the manufacturer's instructions through an evaporator pressure regulator (EPR) valve into a liquid nitrogen-chilled cylinder. This combination will simulate the atmosphere while allowing the capture of purge gases. The cylinder is weighed before and after the purge procedure.
9.5.2 Oil Draining. Refrigerant removed from the oil after draining shall be collected and measured in accordance with Section
9.5.3 Clearing Unit. Refrigerant captured during the clearing process shall be measured in accordance with Section
9.6 Final Recovery Vacuum. The final recovery vacuum shall be the mixing chamber pressure in Section 7.4.3 expressed in kPa at 24 °C. The accuracy of the measurement shall be within 0.33 kPa.
9.7 Residual Trapped Refrigerant. The amount of residual trapped refrigerant shall be the final weight minus the initial weight of the test cylinder in Section, expressed in kg. The accuracy shall be ±0.02 kg and reported to the nearest 0.05 kg.
9.8 Refrigerant Processed. The amount of refrigerant processed before changing filters (see Section 7.5.3) shall be expressed in kg to an accuracy of ±1 percent.
9.9 Contaminant Levels. The contaminant levels remaining after testing shall be published as follows:
Moisture content, ppm by weight
Chloride ions, pass/fail
Acid Content, ppm by weight
High boiling residue, percent (by volume)
Particulates/solids, pass/fail (visual examination)
Non-condensables, percent (by volume)
9.10 Minimum Data Requirements for Published Ratings. Published ratings shall include all of the parameters as shown in Tables 2 and 3 for each refrigerant designated by the manufacturer.
Section 10. Tolerances
10.1 Tolerances. Performance related parameters shall be equal to or better than the published ratings.
Section 11. Marking and Nameplate Data
11.1 Marking and Nameplate Data. The nameplate shall display the manufacturer's name, model designation, type of equipment (Recovery or Recovery/Recycling and Self-Contained or System Dependent), designated refrigerant(s), capacities, and electrical characteristics where applicable. The nameplate shall also conform to the labeling requirements established for certified recycling and recovery equipment established at 40 CFR 82.158(h).
Recommended nameplate voltages for 60 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the equipment nameplate voltages shown in Table 1 of AHRI 110-2016 (incorporated by reference, see §82.168). Recommended nameplate voltages for 50 Hertz systems shall include one or more of the utilization voltages shown in Table 1 of IEC 60038 (English version) (incorporated by reference, see §82.168).
11.2 Data for Designated Refrigerants. For each refrigerant designated, the manufacturer shall include all the following that are applicable per Table 2:
a. Liquid Recovery Rate, kg/min
b. Vapor Recovery Rate, kg/min
c. High Temperature Vapor Recovery Rate, kg/min
d. Push/Pull Liquid Recovery Rate, kg/min
e. Final Recovery Vacuum Level, kPa
f. Recycle Flow Rate, kg/min
g. Refrigerant Loss, kg
h. Residual Trapped Refrigerant, kg
i. Quantity of Refrigerant Processed at Rated Conditions, kg
Table 2—Performance Ratings for Refrigerant Recovery and Recovery/Recycling Equipment4 5
Parameter | Type of equipment | |||
Recovery | Recovery/ recycling |
Recycling | System dependent equipment |
Liquid Refrigerant Recovery Rate, kg/min | X1 4 | X1 | N/A5 | N/A |
Vapor Refrigerant Recovery Rate, kg/min | X1 | X1 | N/A | N/A |
High Temperature Vapor Recovery Rate, kg/min | X1 | X1 | N/A | N/A |
Push/Pull Liquid Recovery Rate, kg/min | X1 | X1 | N/A | N/A |
Final Recovery Vacuum Level, kPa | X | X | N/A | X |
Recycle Flow Rate, kg/min | N/A | X | X | N/A |
Refrigerant Loss, kg | X2 | X | X | X3 |
Residual Trapped Refrigerant, kg | X3 | X2 | X2 | X2 |
Quantity of Refrigerant Processed at Rated Conditions, kg | N/A | X | X | N/A |
1For a recovery or recovery/recycle unit, one must rate either liquid refrigerant recovery rate or vapor refrigerant recovery rate or one can rate for both. If rating only one, the other shall be indicated by N/A, “not applicable.”
2Mandatory rating if multiple refrigerants, oil separation or non-condensable purge are rated.
3Mandatory rating for equipment tested for multiple refrigerants.
4“X” denotes mandatory rating or equipment requirements.
5“N/A” indicates “Not Applicable” for a parameter that does not have a rating.
Table 3—Contaminant Removal Ratings for Refrigerant Recovery and Recovery/Recycling Equipment1 2
Contaminant | Type of equipment | |||
Recovery | Recovery/ recycling |
Recycling | System dependent equipment |
Moisture Content, ppm by weight | N/A2 | X1 | X | N/A |
Chloride Ions, pass/fail | N/A | X | X | N/A |
Acid Content, ppm by weight | N/A | X | X | N/A |
High Boiling Residue, % by volume | N/A | X | X | N/A |
Particulates/solids, pass/fail | N/A | X | X | N/A |
Non-condensables, % by volume | N/A | X | X | N/A |
1“X” denotes mandatory rating.
2“N/A” indicates “Not Applicable” for a parameter that does not have a rating.
Section 12. References
Listed here are all standards, handbooks, and other publications essential to the formation and implementation of the standard. All references in this appendix are considered as part of this standard.
• UL 1963, Standard for Safety Refrigerant Recovery/Recycling Equipment, Fourth Edition (with revisions through October 13, 2013), dated June 1, 2011, (incorporated by reference, see §82.168).
• AHRI 110-2016, 2016 Standard for Air-Conditioning, Heating and Refrigerating Equipment Nameplate Voltages, copyright 2016 (incorporated by reference, see §82.168).
• AHRI Standard 700-2015, Specifications for Refrigerants, Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Institute
• IEC 60038 IEC Standard Voltages, Edition 7.0, 2009-06 (English version) (incorporated by reference, see §82.168).
Section 13.0. Particulate Used in Standard Contaminated Refrigerant Sample
13.1 Particulate Specification
13.1.1 The particulate material (pm) will be a blend of 50 percent coarse air cleaner dust as received, and 50 percent retained on a 200-mesh screen. The coarse air cleaner dust is available from: AC Spark Plug Division; General Motors Corporation; Flint, Michigan.
13.1.2 Preparation of Particulate Materials. To prepare the blend of contaminant per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 63.2-1996 (RA 2010), first wet screen a quantity of coarse air cleaner dust on a 200-mesh screen (particle retention 74 µm). This is done by placing a portion of the dust on a 200-mesh screen and running water through the screen while stirring the dust with the fingers. The fine contaminant particles passing through the screen are discarded. The larger than 200-mesh particles collected on the screen are removed and dried for one hour at 110 °C. The blend of standard contaminant is prepared by mixing 50 percent by weight of coarse air cleaner dust as received (after drying for one hour at 110 °C) with 50 percent by weight of the larger than 200-mesh screened dust.
13.1.3 Particle Size Analysis. The coarse air cleaner dust as received and the blend used as the standard contaminant have the following approximate particle size analysis:
Table B1—Weight Percentage in Various µm Size Ranges for Particle Size Analysis
Size range (µm) |
As received (wt %) |
Blend (wt %) |
0-5 | 12 | 6 |
5-10 | 12 | 6 |
10-20 | 14 | 7 |
20-40 | 23 | 11 |
40-80 | 30 | 32 |
80-200 | 9 | 38 |
[81 FR 82383, Nov. 18, 2016]