40 CFR Appendix D
Calculation of Potential Electric Output Capacity
June 9, 2020
The potential electrical output capacity is calculated from the maximum design heat input from the boiler by the following equation:

For example:
(1) Assume a boiler with a maximum design heat input capacity of 340 million Btu/hr.
(2) One-third of the maximum design heat input capacity is 113.3 mmBtu/hr. The one-third factor relates to the thermodynamic efficiency of the boiler.
(3) To express this in MWe, the standards conversion of 3413 Btu to 1 kw-hr is used: 113.3 × 106 Btu/hr × 1 kw-hr / 3413 Btu × 1 MWe / 1000 kw = 33.2 MWe
[58 FR 15649, Mar. 23, 1993]