(a) Test handheld engines with the following steady-state duty cycle:
G3 mode No. | Engine speeda | Torque (percent)b |
Weighting factors |
1 | Rated speed | 100 | 0.85 |
2 | Warm idle | 0 | 0.15 |
aTest engines at the specified speeds as described in §1054.505.
bTest engines at 100 percent torque by setting operator demand to maximum. Control torque during idle at its warm idle speed as described in 40 CFR 1065.510.
(b) Test nonhandheld engines with one of the following steady-state duty cycles:
(1) The following duty cycle applies for discrete-mode testing:
G2 mode No.a | Torque (percent)b |
Weighting factors |
1 | 100 | 0.09 |
2 | 75 | 0.2 |
3 | 50 | 0.29 |
4 | 25 | 0.3 |
5 | 10 | 0.07 |
6 | 0 | 0.05 |
(2) The following duty cycle applies for ramped-modal testing:
RMC modea | Time in mode (seconds) |
Torque (percent)b c |
1a Steady-state | 41 | 0 |
1b Transition | 20 | * |
2a Steady-state | 135 | 100 |
2b Transition | 20 | * |
3a Steady-state | 112 | 10 |
3b Transition | 20 | * |
4a Steady-state | 337 | 75 |
4b Transition | 20 | * |
5a Steady-state | 518 | 25 |
5b Transition | 20 | * |
6a Steady-state | 494 | 50 |
6b Transition | 20 | * |
7 Steady-state | 43 | 0 |
*Linear transition.
aControl engine speed as described in §1054.505. Control engine speed for Mode 6 as described in §1054.505(c) for idle operation.
bAdvance from one mode to the next within a 20-second transition phase. During the transition phase, command a linear progression from the torque setting of the current mode to the torque setting of the next mode.
cThe percent torque is relative to the value established for full-load torque, as described in §1054.505.