An applicant for certification from the Administrator shall submit to the Regional Administrator a complete description of the discharge involved in the activity for which certification is sought, with a request for certification signed by the applicant. Such description shall include the following:
(a) The name and address of the applicant;
(b) A description of the facility or activity, and of any discharge into navigable waters which may result from the conduct of any activity including, but not limited to, the construction or operation of the facility, including the biological, chemical, thermal, and other characteristics of the discharge, and the location or locations at which such discharge may enter navigable waters;
(c) A description of the function and operation of equipment or facilities to treat wastes or other effluents which may be discharged, including specification of the degree of treatment expected to be attained;
(d) The date or dates on which the activity will begin and end, if known, and the date or dates on which the discharge will take place;
(e) A description of the methods and means being used or proposed to monitor the quality and characteristics of the discharge and the operation of equipment or facilities employed in the treatment or control of wastes or other effluents.