(a) General. Tolerances are established for combined residues of the fungicide o-phenylphenol and sodium o-phenylphenate, each expressed as o-phenylphenol, from postharvest application of either in or on the following food commodities:

Open Table
Commodity Parts per million
Apple 25
Cantaloupe (NMT 10 ppm in edible portion) 125
Carrot, roots 20
Cherry 5
Citrus fruits 10
Cucumber 10
Lemon 10
Nectarine 5
Orange 10
Pepper, bell 10
Peach 20
Pear 25.0
Pineapple 10
Plum, prune, fresh 20
Sweet potato, roots 15
Tomato 10

(b) Section 18 emergency exemptions. [Reserved]

(c) Tolerances with regional registrations. [Reserved]

(d) Indirect or inadvertent residues. [Reserved]

[73 FR 54960, Sept. 24, 2008]

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