(a) The performance test for affected facilities complying with §60.442 without the use of add-on controls shall be identical to the procedures specified in §60.443(a).
(b) The performance test for affected facilities controlled by a solvent recovery device shall be conducted as follows:
(1) The performance test shall be a one calendar month test and not the average of three runs as specified in §60.8(f).
(2) The weighted average mass of VOC per mass of coating solids applied for a one calendar month period shall be determined as specified in §60.443(a) (1) and (2).
(3) Calculate the required percent overall VOC emission reduction as specified in §60.443(b).
(4) Inventory VOC usage and VOC recovery for a one calendar month period.
(5) Determine the percent overall VOC emission reduction as specified in §60.443(c).
(c) The performance test for affected facilities controlled by a solvent destruction device shall be conducted as follows:
(1) The performance of the solvent destruction device shall be determined by averaging the results of three test runs as specified in §60.8(f).
(2) Determine for each affected facility prior to each test run the weighted average mass of VOC per mass of coating solids applied being used at the facility. The weighted average shall be determined as specified in §60.443(a). In this application the quantities of Woi, Wsi, and Mci shall be determined for the time period of each test run and not a calendar month as specified in §60.441.
(3) Calculate the required percent overall VOC emission reduction as specified in §60.443(b).
(4) Determine the percent overall VOC emission reduction of the solvent destruction device by the following equation and procedures:

(i) The owner or operator of the affected facility shall construct the overall VOC emission reduction system so that all volumetric flow rates and total VOC emissions can be accurately determined by the applicable test methods and procedures specified in §60.446(b).
(ii) The owner or operator of an affected facility shall construct a temporary total enclosure around the coating line applicator and flashoff area during the performance test for the purpose of capturing fugitive VOC emissions. If a permanent total enclosure exists in the affected facility prior to the performance test and the Administrator is satisfied that the enclosure is totally capturing fugitive VOC emissions, then no additional total enclosure will be required for the performance test.
(iii) For each affected facility where the value of R is greater than or equal to the value of Rq calculated in §60.443(b), compliance with §60.442(a)(2) is demonstrated.