(a) For saturators, the owner or operator shall conduct performance tests required in §60.8 as follows:
(1) If the final product is shingle or mineral-surfaced roll roofing, the tests shall be conducted while 106.6-kg (235-lb) shingle is being produced.
(2) If the final product is saturated felt or smooth-surfaced roll roofing, the tests shall be conducted while 6.8-kg (15-lb) felt is being produced.
(3) If the final product is fiberglass shingle, the test shall be conducted while a nominal 100-kg (220-lb) shingle is being produced.
(b) In conducting the performance tests required in §60.8, the owner or operator shall use as reference methods and procedures the test methods in appendix A of this part or other methods and procedures as specified in this section, except as provided in §60.8(b).
(c) The owner or operator shall determine compliance with the particulate matter standards in §60.472 as follows:
(1) The emission rate (E) of particulate matter shall be computed for each run using the following equation:
E = (cs Qsd)/(PK)
E = emission rate of particulate matter, kg/Mg (lb/ton).
cs = concentration of particulate matter, g/dscm (gr/dscf).
Qsd = volumetric flow rate of effluent gas, dscm/hr (dscf/hr).
P = asphalt roofing production rate or asphalt charging rate, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
K = conversion factor, 1000 g/kg [7000 (gr/lb)].
(2) Method 5A shall be used to determine the particulate matter concentration (cs) and volumetric flow rate (Qsd) of the effluent gas. For a saturator, the sampling time and sample volume for each run shall be at least 120 minutes and 3.00 dscm (106 dscf), and for the blowing still, at least 90 minutes or the duration of the coating blow or non-coating blow, whichever is greater, and 2.25 dscm (79.4 dscf).
(3) For the saturator, the asphalt roofing production rate (P) for each run shall be determined as follows: The amount of asphalt roofing produced on the shingle or saturated felt process lines shall be obtained by direct measurement. The asphalt roofing production rate is the amount produced divided by the time taken for the run.
(4) For the blowing still, the asphalt charging rate (P) shall be computed for each run using the following equation:
P = (Vd)/(K′ θ)
P = asphalt charging rate to blowing still, Mg/hr (ton/hr).
V = volume of asphalt charged, m3 (ft3).
d = density of asphalt, kg/m3 (lb/ft3).
K′ = conversion factor, 1000 kg/Mg (2000 lb/ton).
θ = duration of test run, hr.
(i) The volume (V) of asphalt charged shall be measured by any means accurate to within 10 percent.
(ii) The density (d) of the asphalt shall be computed using the following equation:

d = Density of the asphalt, kg/m3 (lb/ft3)
K1 = 1056.1 kg/m3 (metric units)
= 64.70 lb/ft3 (English Units)
K2 = 0.6176 kg/(m3 °C) (metric units)
= 0.0694 lb/(ft3 °F) (English Units)
Ti = temperature at the start of the blow, °C ( deg;F)
(5) Method 9 and the procedures in §60.11 shall be used to determine opacity.
(d) The Administrator will determine compliance with the standards in §60.472(a)(3) by using Method 22, modified so that readings are recorded every 15 seconds for a period of consecutive observations during representative conditions (in accordance with §60.8(c)) totaling 60 minutes. A performance test shall consist of one run.
(e) The owner or operator shall use the monitoring device in §60.473 (a) or (b) to monitor and record continuously the temperature during the particulate matter run and shall report the results to the Administrator with the performance test results.
(f) If at a later date the owner or operator believes that the emission limits in §60.472(a) and (b) are being met even though one of the conditions listed in this paragraph exist, he may submit a written request to the Administrator to repeat the performance test and procedure outlined in paragraph (c) of this section.
(1) The temperature measured in accordance with §60.473(a) is exceeding that measured during the performance test.
(2) The temperature measured in accordance with §60.473(b) is lower than that measured during the performance test.
(g) If fuel oil is to be used to fire an afterburner used to control emissions from a blowing still, the owner or operator may petition the Administrator in accordance with §60.11(e) of the General Provisions to establish an opacity standard for the blowing still that will be the opacity standard when fuel oil is used to fire the afterburner. To obtain this opacity standard, the owner or operator must request the Administrator to determine opacity during an initial, or subsequent, performance test when fuel oil is used to fire the afterburner. Upon receipt of the results of the performance test, the Administrator will make a finding concerning compliance with the mass standard for the blowing still. If the Administrator finds that the facility was in compliance with the mass standard during the performance test but failed to meet the zero opacity standard, the Administrator will establish and promulgate in the Federal Register an opacity standard for the blowing still that will be the opacity standard when fuel oil is used to fire the afterburner. When the afterburner is fired with natural gas, the zero percent opacity remains the applicable opacity standard.
[54 FR 6677, Feb. 14, 1989, as amended 54 FR 27016, June 27, 1989; 65 FR 61762, Oct. 17, 2000]