(a) If you are complying with §63.1586(b) by using covers, you must conduct the following inspections:
(1) You must visually check the cover and its closure devices for defects that could result in air emissions. Defects include, but are not limited to, visible cracks, holes, or gaps in the roof sections or between the roof and the supporting wall; broken, cracked, or otherwise damaged seals or gaskets on closure devices; and broken or missing hatches, access covers, caps, or other closure devices.
(2) You must perform an initial visual inspection within 60 calendar days of becoming subject to this NESHAP and perform follow-up inspections at least once per year, thereafter.
(3) In the event that you find a defect on a cover on a treatment unit in use, you must repair the defect within 45 calendar days. If you cannot repair within 45 calendar days, you must notify the EPA or the delegated authority immediately and report the reason for the delay and the date you expect to complete the repair. If you find a defect on a cover on a treatment unit that is not in service, you must repair the defect prior to putting the treatment unit back in wastewater service.
(b) If you own or operate a control device used to meet the requirements for §63.1586(b), you must comply with the inspection and monitoring requirements of §63.695(c) of subpart DD of this part.
(c) To comply with the HAP fraction emitted standard specified in §63.1586(c), you must develop, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, an Inspection and Monitoring Plan. This Inspection and Monitoring Plan must include, at a minimum, the following:
(1) A method to determine the influent HAP mass loading, i.e., the annual mass quantity for each HAP entering the wastewater treatment plant.
(2) A method to determine your POTW treatment plant's annual HAP emissions for all units up to, but not including, the secondary influent pumping station or the secondary treatment units. The method you use to determine your HAP emissions, such as modeling or direct source measurement, must:
(i) Be approved by the Administrator for use at your POTW;
(ii) Account for all factors affecting emissions from your POTW treatment plant including, but not limited to, emissions from wastewater treatment units; emissions resulting from inspection, maintenance, and repair activities; fluctuations (e.g., daily, monthly, annual, seasonal) in your influent wastewater HAP concentrations; annual industrial loading; performance of control devices; or any other factors that could affect your annual HAP emissions; and
(iii) Include documentation that the values and sources of all data, operating conditions, assumptions, etc., used in your method result in an accurate estimation of annual emissions from your POTW treatment plant.
(3) A method to demonstrate that your POTW treatment plant meets the HAP fraction emitted standard specified in §63.1586(c), i.e., the sum of all HAP emissions from paragraph (c)(2) of this section divided by the sum of all HAP mass loadings from paragraph (c)(1) of this section results in a fraction emitted of 0.014 or less to demonstrate compliance with §63.1586(c). The Inspection and Monitoring Plan must require, at a minimum, that you perform the calculations shown in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) through (viii) of this section within 90 days of the end of each month. This calculation shall demonstrate that your annual rolling average of the HAP fraction emitted is 0.014 or less when demonstrating compliance with §63.1586(c).
(i) Determine the average daily flow in million gallons per day (MGD) of the wastewater entering your POTW treatment plant for the month;
(ii) Determine the flow-weighted monthly concentration of each HAP listed in Table 1 to subpart DD of this part that is reasonably anticipated to be present in your influent;
(iii) Using the information in paragraphs (c)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section, determine a total annual flow-weighted loading in pounds per day (lbs/day) of each HAP entering your POTW treatment plant;
(iv) Sum up the values for each individual HAP loading in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section and determine a total annual flow-weighted loading value (lbs/day) for all HAP entering your POTW treatment plant for the current month;
(v) Based on the current month's information in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section along with source testing and emission modeling, for each HAP, determine the annual emissions (lbs/day) from all wastewater units up to, but not including, secondary treatment units;
(vi) Sum up the values in paragraph (c)(3)(v) of this section and calculate the total annual emissions value for the month for all HAP from all wastewater treatment units up to, but not including, secondary treatment units;
(vii) Calculate the HAP fraction emitted value for the month, using Equation 1 of this section as follows:

femonthly = HAP fraction emitted for the previous month
∑E = Total HAP emissions value from paragraph (c)(3)(vi) of this section
∑L = Total annual loading from paragraph (c)(3)(iv) of this section
(viii) Average the HAP fraction emitted value for the month determined in paragraph (c)(3)(vii) of this section, with the values determined for the previous 11 months, to calculate an annual rolling average of the HAP fraction emitted.
(4) A method to demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Administrator, that your POTW treatment plant is in continuous compliance with the requirements of §63.1586(c). Continuous compliance means that your emissions, when averaged over the course of a year, do not exceed the level of emissions that allows your POTW to comply with §63.1586(c). For example, you may identify a parameter(s) that you can monitor that assures your emissions, when averaged over the entire year, will meet the requirements in §63.1586(c). Some example parameters that may be considered for monitoring include your wastewater influent HAP concentration and flow, industrial loading from your permitted industrial users, and your control device performance criteria. Where emission reductions are due to proper operation of equipment, work practices, or other operational procedures, your demonstration must specify the frequency of inspections and the number of days to completion of repairs.
(d) Prior to receiving approval on the Inspection and Monitoring Plan, you must follow the plan submitted to the Administrator as specified in §63.1590(f).