You may calculate percent reduction using any of the methods in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.
(a) Compliant line option. If all of your wet-out areas have PTE that meet the requirements of EPA Method 204 of appendix M of 40 CFR part 51, and all of your wet-out area organic HAP emissions and oven organic HAP emissions are vented to an add-on control device, use Equation 1 of this section to demonstrate compliance. In all other situations, use Equation 2 of this section to demonstrate compliance.

PR = percent reduction;
Inlet + HAP emissions entering the control device, lbs per year;
Outlet = HAP emissions existing the control device to the atmosphere, lbs per year.

PR = percent reduction;
WAEici = wet-out area organic HAP emissions, lbs per year, vented to a control device;
WAEiu = wet-out area organic HAP emissions, lbs per year, not vented to a control device;
Oju = oven organic HAP emissions, lbs per year, not vented to a control device;
Ojci = oven organic HAP emissions, lbs per year, vented to a control device;
WAEico = wet-out area organic HAP emissions, lbs per year, from the control device outlet;
Ojco = oven organic HAP emissions, lbs per year, from the control device outlet.
(b) Averaging option. Use Equation 3 of this section to calculate percent reduction.

PR = percent reduction;
WAEici = wet-out area organic HAP emissions from wet-out area i, lbs per year, sent to a control device;
WAEiu = wet-out area organic HAP emissions from wet-out area i, lbs per year, not sent to a control device;
WAEico = wet-out area organic HAP emissions from wet-out area i, lbs per year, at the outlet of a control device;
Oju = organic HAP emissions from oven j, lbs per year, not sent to a control device;
Ojci = organic HAP emissions from oven j, lbs per year, sent to a control device;
Ojco = organic HAP emissions from oven j, lbs per year, at the outlet of the control device;
m = number of wet-out areas;
n = number of ovens.
(c) Add-on control device option. Use Equation 1 of this section to calculate percent reduction.
(d) Combination option. Use Equations 1 through 3 of this section, as applicable, to calculate percent reduction.
[70 FR 50127, Aug. 25, 2005]