(a) You must conduct each performance test that applies to your affected source according to the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section.
(b) To determine compliance with the emission limit for particulate matter from a control device applied to pushing emissions where a cokeside shed is the capture system, follow the test methods and procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section. To determine compliance with a process-weighted mass rate of particulate matter (lb/ton of coke) from a control device applied to pushing emissions where a cokeside shed is not used, follow the test methods and procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section.
(1) Determine the concentration of particulate matter according to the following test methods in appendix A to 40 CFR part 60.
(i) Method 1 to select sampling port locations and the number of traverse points. Sampling sites must be located at the outlet of the control device and prior to any releases to the atmosphere.
(ii) Method 2, 2F, or 2G to determine the volumetric flow rate of the stack gas.
(iii) Method 3, 3A, or 3B to determine the dry molecular weight of the stack gas.
(iv) Method 4 to determine the moisture content of the stack gas.
(v) Method 5 or 5D, as applicable, to determine the concentration of front half particulate matter in the stack gas.
(2) During each particulate matter test run, sample only during periods of actual pushing when the capture system fan and control device are engaged. Collect a minimum sample volume of 30 dry standard cubic feet of gas during each test run. Three valid test runs are needed to comprise a performance test. Each run must start at the beginning of a push and finish at the end of a push (i.e., sample for an integral number of pushes).
(3) Determine the total combined weight in tons of coke pushed during the duration of each test run according to the procedures in your source test plan for calculating coke yield from the quantity of coal charged to an individual oven.
(4) Compute the process-weighted mass emissions (Ep) for each test run using Equation 1 of this section as follows:

Ep = Process weighted mass emissions of particulate matter, lb/ton;
C = Concentration of particulate matter, gr/dscf;
Q = Volumetric flow rate of stack gas, dscf/hr;
T = Total time during a run that a sample is withdrawn from the stack during pushing, hr;
P = Total amount of coke pushed during the test run, tons; and
K = Conversion factor, 7,000 gr/lb.
[68 FR 18025, Apr. 14, 2003, as amended at 70 FR 44289, Aug. 2, 2005]