(a) General requirements. You must determine the average total VOHAP concentration of a remediation material using either direct measurement as specified in paragraph (b) of this section or by knowledge as specified in paragraph (c) of this section. These methods may be used to determine the average VOHAP concentration of any material listed in (a)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) A single remediation material stream; or
(2) Two or more remediation material streams that are combined prior to, or within, a remediation material management unit or treatment process; or
(3) Remediation material that is combined with one or more non-remediation material streams prior to, or within, a remediation material management unit or treatment process.
(b) Direct measurement. To determine the average total VOHAP concentration of a remediation material using direct measurement, you must use the procedures in paragraphs (b)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Sampling. Samples of each material stream must be collected from the container, pipeline, or other device used to deliver each material stream prior to entering the remediation material management unit or treatment process in a manner such that volatilization of organics contained in the sample is minimized and an adequately representative sample is collected and maintained for analysis by the selected method.
(i) The averaging period to be used for determining the average total VOHAP concentration for the material stream on a mass-weighted average basis must be designated and recorded. The averaging period can represent any time interval that you determine is appropriate for the material stream but must not exceed 1 year. For streams that are combined, an averaging period representative for all streams must be selected.
(ii) No less than four samples must be collected to represent the complete range of HAP compositions and HAP quantities that occur in each material stream during the entire averaging period due to normal variations in the material stream(s). Examples of such normal variations are variation of the HAP concentration within a contamination area.
(iii) All samples must be collected and handled according to written procedures you prepare and document in a site sampling plan. This plan must describe the procedure by which representative samples of the material stream(s) are collected such that a minimum loss of organics occurs throughout the sample collection and handling process and by which sample integrity is maintained. A copy of the written sampling plan must be maintained on site in the facility operating records. An example of an acceptable sampling plan includes a plan incorporating sample collection and handling procedures according to the guidance found in “Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Physical/Chemical Methods,” EPA Publication No. SW-846 or Method 25D in 40 CFR part 60, appendix A.
(2) Analysis. Each collected sample must be prepared and analyzed according to either one of the methods listed in §63.694(b)(2)(ii), or any current EPA Contracts Lab Program method (or future revisions) capable of identifying all the HAP in Table 1 of this subpart.
(3) Calculations. The average total VOHAP concentration (C̅) on a mass-weighted basis must be calculated by using the results for all samples analyzed according to paragraph (b)(2) of this section and Equation 1 of this section as follows:

C̅ = Average VOHAP concentration of the material on a mass-weighted basis, ppmw.
i = Individual sample “i” of the material.
n = Total number of samples of the material collected (at least 4 per stream) for the averaging period (not to exceed 1 year).
Qi = Mass quantity of material stream represented by Ci, kilograms per hour (kg/hr).
QT = Total mass quantity of all material during the averaging period, kg/hr.
Ci = Measured VOHAP concentration of sample “i” as determined according to the requirements of paragraph (b)(2) of this section, ppmw.
(c) Knowledge of the material. To determine the average total VOHAP concentration of a remediation material using knowledge, you must use the procedures in paragraphs (c)(1) through (3) of this section.
(1) Documentation must be prepared that presents the information used as the basis for your knowledge of the material stream's average VOHAP concentration. Examples of information that may be used as the basis for knowledge include: material balances for the source(s) generating each material stream; species-specific chemical test data for the material stream from previous testing that are still applicable to the current material stream; test data for material from the contamination area(s) being remediated.
(2) If test data are used as the basis for knowledge, then you must document the test method, sampling protocol, and the means by which sampling variability and analytical variability are accounted for in the determination of the average VOHAP concentration. For example, you may use HAP concentration test data for the material stream that are validated according to Method 301 in 40 CFR part 63, appendix A as the basis for knowledge of the material. This information must be provided for each material stream where streams are combined.
(3) If you use species-specific chemical concentration test data as the basis for knowledge of the material, you may adjust the test data to the corresponding average VOHAP concentration value which would be obtained had the material samples been analyzed using Method 305. To adjust these data, the measured concentration for each individual HAP chemical species contained in the material is multiplied by the appropriate species-specific adjustment factor (fm305) listed in Table 1 of this subpart.
(d) In the event that you and us disagree on a determination using knowledge of the average total VOHAP concentration for a remediation material, then the results from a determination of VOHAP concentration using direct measurement by Method 305 in 40 CFR part 60 appendix A, as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, will be used to determine compliance with the applicable requirements of this subpart. We may perform or request that you perform this determination using direct measurement.
[68 FR 58190, Oct. 8, 2003, as amended at 71 FR 69019, Nov. 29, 2006]