You must send us two copies of your application with the following information for all leases involved:
(a) The serial numbers;
(b) The name of the record title holder(s);
(c) The name of the operator and operating rights owners if different from the record title holder(s);
(d) A description of the lands by legal subdivision;
(e) A map showing the serial number and location of each mine or excavation and the extent of the mining operations;
(f) A tabulated statement of the leasable minerals mined for each month covering at least the last twelve months before you filed your application, and the average production mined per day for each month;
(g) If you are applying for relief from the minimum production requirement, complete information as to why you did not attain the minimum production;
(h) A detailed statement of expenses and costs of operating the entire lease, and the income from the sale of any leased products;
(i) All facts showing why you cannot successfully operate the mines under the royalty or rental fixed in the lease and other lease terms;
(j) For reductions in royalty, full information as to whether you pay royalties or payments out of production to anyone other than the United States, the amounts paid and efforts you have made to reduce them;
(k) Documents demonstrating that the total amount of overriding royalties paid for the lease will not exceed one-half the proposed reduced royalties due the United States; and
(l) Any other information BLM needs to determine whether the request satisfies the standards in §3513.12 of this part.