(a) General. A PCIP shall establish and maintain procedures for individuals to appeal eligibility and coverage determinations.

(b) Minimum requirements. The appeals procedure must, at a minimum, provide:

(1) A potential enrollee with the right to a timely redetermination by the PCIP or its designee of a determination regarding PCIP eligibility, including a determination of whether the individual is a citizen or national of the United States, or is lawfully present in the United States.

(2) An enrollee with the right to a timely redetermination by the PCIP or its designee of a determination regarding the coverage of a service or the amount paid by the PCIP for a service.

(3) An enrollee with the right to a timely reconsideration of a redetermination made under paragraph (b)(2) of this section by an entity independent of the PCIP.

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