(a) General requirements. When joining the SHOP, a qualified employer must comply with the requirements, processes, and timelines set forth by this part and must remain in compliance for the duration of the employer's participation in the SHOP.

(b) Selecting QHPs. During an election period, a qualified employer may make coverage in a QHP available through the SHOP in accordance with the processes developed by the SHOP in accordance with §155.706 of this subchapter.

(c) Information dissemination to employees. A qualified employer participating in the SHOP must disseminate information to its qualified employees about the process to enroll in a QHP through the SHOP.

(d) Employees hired outside of the initial or annual open enrollment period. Qualified employers must provide employees hired outside of the initial or annual open enrollment period with information about the enrollment process.

(e) Participation in the SHOP and termination of coverage or enrollment through the SHOP.

(1) Changes affecting participation. Employers must submit a new single employer application to the SHOP or withdraw from participating in the SHOP if the employer makes a change that could end its eligibility under §155.710 of this subchapter.

(2) If an employer receives a determination of ineligibility to participate in the SHOP or the SHOP terminates its eligibility to participate in the SHOP, unless the SHOP notifies the issuer or issuers of the determination of ineligibility or termination of eligibility, the employer must notify the issuer or issuers of QHPs in which their group members are enrolled in coverage of its ineligibility or termination of eligibility within 5 business days of the end of any applicable appeal process under §155.741 of this subchapter, which could include when the time to file an appeal lapses without an appeal being filed, when the appeal is rejected or dismissed, or when the appeal process concludes with an adjudication by the appeals entity, as applicable.

(3) Employers must promptly notify the issuer or issuers of QHPs in which their group members are enrolled in coverage if it wishes to terminate coverage or enrollment through the SHOP, unless the SHOP notifies the issuer or issuers.

(f) Applicability date. The provisions of this section apply for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2018.

[83 FR 17070, Apr. 17, 2018]

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