45 CFR § 162.1601
Health care electronic funds transfers (EFT) and remittance advice transaction
April 14, 2021
The health care electronic funds transfers (EFT) and remittance advice transaction is the transmission of either of the following for health care:
(a) The transmission of any of the following from a health plan to a health care provider:
(1) Payment.
(2) Information about the transfer of funds.
(3) Payment processing information.
(b) The transmission of either of the following from a health plan to a health care provider:
(1) Explanation of benefits.
(2) Remittance advice.
[65 FR 50367, Aug. 17, 2000, as amended at 77 FR 1590, Jan. 10, 2012; 77 FR 48043, Aug. 10, 2012]