(a) When a carbon dioxide (CO2) smothering system is fitted in the boiler room, the quantity of carbon dioxide carried shall be sufficient to give a gas saturation of 25 percent of the gross volume of the largest boiler room from tank top to top of the boilers. Top of the boilers is to be considered as the top of the shell of a Scotch or leg type of boiler, and the top of the casing or drum, whichever is the higher, on water-tube boilers. The quantity of carbon dioxide required may be determined approximately by the following formula:

W = the weight of CO2 required in pounds.
L = the length of the boiler room in feet.
B = the breadth of the boiler room in feet.
D = the distance in feet from tank top or flat forming lower boundary to top of boilers.
(b) When a carbon dioxide (CO2) smothering system is fitted in the machinery space of a nautical school ship propelled by internal combustion engines, the quantity of carbon dioxide required may be determined approximately by the following formula:

W = the weight of CO2 required in pounds.
L = the length of machinery space in feet.
B = breadth of the machinery space in feet.
D = distance in feet from tank top or flat forming lower boundary to the underside of deck forming the batch opening.
(c) The whole charge of gas shall be capable of being released simultaneously by operating one valve and control. All cylinders shall be completely discharged in not more than two minutes. The arrangement of the piping shall be such as to give a general and fairly uniform distribution over the entire area protected. An alarm which shall operate automatically with the operation of the system shall be provided to give a warning in the space when the carbon dioxide is about to be released. Provision shall be made to prevent the admission of air into the lower parts of the boiler or engine room while the system is in operation.
(1) A lockout valve must be provided on any carbon dioxide extinguishing system protecting a space over 6,000 cubic feet in volume and installed or altered after July 9, 2013. “Altered” means modified or refurbished beyond the maintenance required by the manufacturer's design, installation, operation and maintenance manual.
(2) The lockout valve must be a manually operated valve located in the discharge manifold prior to the stop valve or selector valves. When in the closed position, the lockout valve must provide complete isolation of the system from the protected space or spaces, making it impossible for carbon dioxide to discharge in the event of equipment failure during maintenance.
(3) The lockout valve design or locking mechanism must make it obvious whether the valve is open or closed.
(4) A valve is considered a lockout valve if it has a hasp or other means of attachment to which, or through which, a lock can be affixed, or it has a locking mechanism built into it.
(5) The master or person-in-charge must ensure that the valve is locked open at all times, except while maintenance is being performed on the extinguishing system, when the valve must be locked in the closed position.
(6) Lockout valves added to existing systems must be approved by the Commandant as part of the installed system.
(e) Each carbon dioxide extinguishing system installed or altered after [July 9, 2013, must have an approved odorizing unit to produce the scent of wintergreen, the detection of which will serve as an indication that carbon dioxide gas is present in a protected area and any other area into which the carbon dioxide may migrate. “Altered” means modified or refurbished beyond the maintenance required by the manufacturer's design, installation, operation and maintenance manual.
[CGFR 51-11, 16 FR 3218, Apr. 12, 1951, as amended by USCG-2006-24797, 77 FR 33888, June 7, 2012]