(a) The various forms of certificates certifying to the correctness of the load line marks assigned under the regulations in this subchapter and/or certain exemptions therefrom for U.S.-flag vessels engaged in foreign voyages, or engaged in coastwise or intercoastal voyages (provided such vessels qualify to engage in foreign voyages without restriction), are A1, A2, A3, and E1. The detailed application of these forms is as specified in §42.07-45 (e), (f), and (h).

(b) The text and arrangement of the printed portions of Form A1 (printed front and back) are as follows:

International Load Line Certificate (1966)

[Form A1]

(Official seal of issuing authority.)

(Certificate No. ___)

Issued under the provisions of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, under the authority of the Government of the United States of America, and the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard:


(Insert full official designation of issuing authority)


and duly authorized for assigning purposes under the provisions of the Convention.

Open Table
Name of ship Official number or distinctive letters Port of registry Length (L) as defined in Article 2(8) i.e., 46 CFR 42.13-15
Freeboard assigned as:1 A new ship Type of ship:1 Type “A”.
    An existing ship     Type “B”.
            Type “B” with reduced freeboard.
            Type “B” with increased freeboard.
                                       FREEBOARD FROM DECK LINE                                          LOAD LINE
Tropical __ (inches) (T) __ (inches) above (S).
Summer __ (inches) (S) Upper edge of line at level of center of ring.
Winter __ (inches) (W) __ (inches) below (S).
Winter (North Atlantic) __ (inches) (WNA) __ (inches) below (S).
Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards __ (inches).

(All measurements are to upper edge of the respective horizontal lines)

The upper edge of the deck line from which these freeboards are measured is __ inches above or below the top of the __ deck at side; i.e., freeboard1 deck.

eCFR graphic ec01fe91.004.gif

Date of initial or periodical survey ________

This is to certify that this ship has been surveyed and that the freeboards have been assigned and load lines shown above have been marked in accordance with the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966.

This certificate is valid until ____,2 subject to annual surveys in accordance with Article 14(1)(c) of the Convention, and endorsement thereof on the reverse side of the certificate.

Issued at _________ (Place of issue of certificate), __________, 19__ (Date of issue)


(Signature of official issuing the certificate)

[Seal of issuing   


The undersigned declares that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.



1. When a ship departs from a port situated on a river or inland waters, deeper loading shall be permitted corresponding to the weight of fuel and all other materials required for consumption between the point of departure and the sea.

2. When a ship is in fresh water of unit density, the appropriate load line may be submerged by the amount of the fresh water allowance shown above. Where the density is other than unity, an allowance shall be made proportional to the difference between 1.025 and the actual density.

3. It is the owner's responsibility to furnish the master with information and instructions for loading and ballasting this vessel to provide guidance as to stability of the vessel under varying conditions of service and to avoid unacceptable stresses in the vessel's structure.

1The issuing authority is authorized to delete or change words whenever it is inapplicable to a specific vessel and to arrange wording so appropriate word insertions may be made, which accurately describe the facts.

2At the expiration of this certificate, applicable reissuance should be obtained in accordance with the Load Line Regulations.

(Reverse Side of Certificate)

annual surveys

This is to certify that at an annual survey required by Article 14(1)(c) of the Convention, this ship was found to comply with the relevant provisions of the Convention.

Open Table
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)
extension of load line certificate
The provisions of the Convention being fully complied with by this ship, the validity of this certificate is, in accordance with Article 19(2) of the Convention, extended until.
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)


4. The Winter North Atlantic Load Line applies only to vessels of 328 feet in length or less, which enter any part of the North Atlantic Ocean during the winter months as defined by the Load Line Regulations in 46 CFR 42.30-5 and 42.30-35. The periods during which the other seasonal load lines apply in different parts of the world are as stated in the Load Line Regulations in 46 CFR 42.30-5 to 42.30-30, inclusive.

5. The Load Line Certificate will be canceled by the Commandant, U.S. Coast Guard, if:

(a) The annual surveys have not been carried out within 3 months either way of each anniversary of the certificate date.

(b) The certificate is not endorsed to show that the ship has been surveyed as indicated in (a).

(c) Material alterations have been made to the hull or superstructure of the vessel, such as would necessitate the assignment of an increased freeboard.

(d) The fittings and appliances for the protection of the openings, guardrails, freeing ports, or the means of access to the crew's quarters have not been maintained in as effective a condition as they were when the certificate was issued.

(e) The structural strength of the ship is lowered to such an extent that the ship is unsafe.

6. When this certificate has expired or has been canceled, it must be delivered to the issuing authority.


(c) The text and arrangement of the printed portion of Form A2 shall be identical with the information on the face and reverse sides of Form A1 certificate in paragraph (b) of this section except for the identification of model form, description of the “Freeboard from deck line,” the “Load Line,” and the illustration of load line marks, which shall be as follows:

International Load Line Certificate (1966)

[Form A2]

*      *      *      *      *      *      *

Open Table
Summer __ (inches) Upper edge of line at level of center of ring.
Winter—North Atlantic __ (inches) (WNA) Upper edge of line __ (inches) below upper edge at level of center of ring.
Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards __ (inches).

(All measurements are to upper edge of the respective horizontal lines)

The upper edge of the deck line from which these freeboards are measured is __ inches above or below the top of the ____ deck at side; i.e., freeboard1 deck.

eCFR graphic ec01fe91.005.gif

*      *      *      *      *      *      *

1The issuing authority is authorized to delete or change words whenever it is inapplicable to a specific vessel and to arrange wording so appropriate word insertions may be made, which accurately describe the facts.


(d) The text and arrangement of the printed portion of Form A3 shall be identical with the information on the face and reverse sides of Form A1 certificate in paragraph (b) of this section except for the identification of model form, description of the “Freeboard from deck line,” the “Load Line,” and the illustration of load line marks, which shall be as follows:

International Load Line Certificate (1966)

[Form A3]

*      *      *      *      *      *      *

The timber freeboards given in this certificate are applicable only when this ship carries a timber deck cargo and complies with special requirements of the Load Line Regulations regarding timber deck cargoes.

Open Table
Tropical __ (inches) (T) __ (inches) above (S).
Summer __ (inches) (S) Upper edge of line at level of center of ring.
Winter __ (inches) (W) __ (inches) below (S).
Winter—North Atlantic __ (inches) (WNA) __ (inches) below (S)
Timber—tropical __ (inches) (LT) __ (inches) above (LS).
Timber—summer __ (inches) (LS) __ (inches) above (S).
Timber—winter __ (inches) (LW) __ (inches) below (LS).
Timber—winter—North Atlantic __ (inches) (LWNA) __ (inches) below (LS).
Allowance for fresh water for all freeboards other than timber __ (inches).
Allowance for fresh water for all timber freeboards __ (inches).

(All measurements are to upper edge of the respective horizontal lines)

The upper edge of the deck line from which these freeboards are measured is __ inches above or below the top of the ____ deck at side; i.e., freeboard1 deck.

eCFR graphic ec01fe91.006.gif

*      *      *      *      *      *      *

1The issuing authority is authorized to delete or change words whenever it is inapplicable to a specific vessel and to arrange wording so appropriate word insertions may be made, which accurately describe the facts.


(e) The text and arrangement of the printed portions of Form E1 are as follows:

International Load Line Exemption Certificate

[Form E1]

(Official seal of issuing authority.)

(Certificate No. __)

Issued under the provisions of the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966, under the authority of the Government of the United States of America, and the Commandant U.S. Coast Guard:


(Insert full official designation of issuing authority)

and duly authorized for assigning and exemption purposes under the provisions of the Convention.

Open Table
Name of ship Official numbers of distinctive letters Port of registry

This is to certify that the above-mentioned ship is exempted from the provisions of the 1966 Convention, under the authority conferred by Article 6(2),1 Article 6(4),1 of the Convention referred to above and that this ship has been surveyed accordingly.

The provisions of the Convention from which the ship is exempted under Article 6(2) are:

The voyage for which exemption is granted under Article 6(4) is:


Conditions, if any, on which the exemption is granted under either Article 6(2) or Article 6(4):

This certificate is valid until ____,2 subject, where appropriate, to annual surveys in accordance with Article 14(1)(c) of the Convention, and endorsement thereof on the reverse side of the certificate.

Issued at

(Place of issue of certificate)

                                                                                                         (Date of issue)

(Signature of official issuing the certificate)

[Seal of issuing   


The undersigned declares that he is duly authorized by the said Government to issue this certificate.


1The issuing authority is authorized to delete whichever reference is inapplicable.

2At the expiration of this certificate, applicable reissuance should be obtained in accordance with the Load Line Regulations, if permitted.

(Reverse side of exemption certificate)

annual surveys

This is to certify that this ship continues to comply with the conditions under which this exemption was granted.

Open Table
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)

extension of load line certificate

This ship continues to comply with the conditions under which this exemption was granted and the validity of this certificate is, in accordance with Article 19(4)(a) of the Convention, extended until.

Open Table
Place Date
(Signature and seal of issuing authority)

[CGFR 68-60, 33 FR 10070, July 12, 1968, as amended by CGFR 68-126, 34 FR 9017, June 5, 1969]

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