(a) Generally. Many documents are available on the Commission's public Web site and the Commission encourages requesters visit the Web site before making a request for records under FOIA.

(1) Electronic or written requests. A member of the public may request permission to inspect, copy or be provided with any Commission record not described in subpart C of this part or posted on the Commission's Web site at www.fmc.gov. Such a request must:

(i) Reasonably describe the record or records sought;

(ii) Be submitted electronically to FOIA@fmc.gov or in writing to the Secretary, Federal Maritime Commission, 800 North Capitol Street NW., Washington, DC 20573.

(iii) Be clearly marked on the subject line of an email or on the exterior of the envelope with the term “FOIA.”

(2) [Reserved]

(b) The Secretary shall evaluate each request in conjunction with the official having responsibility for the subject matter area and the General Counsel, and the Secretary shall determine whether or not to grant the request in accordance with the provisions of this subpart.

(c) In making any record available to a person under this subpart, the Secretary shall provide the record in any form or format requested by the person if the record is readily reproducible by the Secretary in that form or format.

(d) Certain fees may be assessed for processing requests under this subpart as prescribed in subpart F of this part.

[63 FR 53310, Oct. 5, 1998, as amended at 80 FR 52641, Sept. 1, 2015]

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