(a) Where the agency votes as provided in §503.80 to withhold from public disclosure information pertaining to a portion or portions of a meeting or portion or portions of a series of meetings, such information shall be excepted from the requirements of §§503.78, 503.82 and 503.83.

(b) Where the agency votes as provided in §503.80 to permit public disclosure of information pertaining to a portion of portions of a meeting or portion or portions of a series of meetings, such information shall be disclosed to the public as required by §§503.78, 503.82 and 503.83.

(c) Not later than the day following the date on which a vote is taken under §503.80, by which the information pertaining to a meeting is determined to be disclosed, the Secretary shall make available to the public a written copy of such vote reflecting the vote of each member of the agency on the question.

[49 FR 44401, Nov. 6, 1984; 49 FR 47395, Dec. 4, 1984]

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