(a) Information on USAID's policies for unsolicited proposals is available from the U.S. Agency for International Development, Bureau for Management, Office of Acquisition and Assistance, Evaluation Division (M/OAA/E), SA-44, Room 858-E, 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW., Washington, DC 20523 or by email to UnsolicitedProposals@usaid.gov. Initial inquiries and subsequent unsolicited proposals must be submitted to the address specified above.
(b) The information available includes:
(1) Contact points within USAID;
(2) Definitions;
(3) Information source on USAID objectives and areas of potential interest;
(4) Characteristics of a suitable proposal;
(5) Determination of contractor responsibility;
(6) Organizational conflicts of interest;
(7) Cost sharing; and
(8) Procedures for submission and evaluation of proposals;
(9) Guidance on preferred methods for submitting ideas/concepts to the Government;
(10) Instructions for identifying and marking proprietary information so that it is projected and restrictive legends conform to (48 CFR) FAR 15.609.
[79 FR 74993, Dec. 16, 2014]