(a) Except as provided in §173.7 of this subchapter, when the §172.101 Table specifies that an explosive must be packaged in accordance with this section, only packagings which conform to the provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section or §173.7(e) of this subchapter and the applicable requirements in §§173.60 and 173.61 may be used unless otherwise approved by the Associate Administrator.
(b) Explosives Table. The Explosives Table specifies the Packing Instructions assigned to each explosive. Explosives are identified in the first column in numerical sequence by their identification number (ID #), which is listed in column 4 of the §172.101 table, of this subchapter. The second column of the Explosives Table specifies the Packing Instruction (PI) which must be used for packaging the explosive. The Explosives Packing Method Table in paragraph (c) of this section defines the methods of packaging. The Packing Instructions are identified using a 3 digit designation. The Packing Instruction prefixed by the letters “US” is particular to the United States and not found in applicable international regulations.
Table 1 to Paragraph (b): Explosives Table
ID# | PI |
UN0004 | 112 |
UN0005 | 130 |
UN0006 | 130 |
UN0007 | 130 |
UN0009 | 130 |
UN0010 | 130 |
UN0012 | 130 |
UN0014 | 130 |
UN0015 | 130 |
UN0016 | 130 |
UN0018 | 130 |
UN0019 | 130 |
UN0020 | 101 |
UN0021 | 101 |
UN0027 | 113 |
UN0028 | 113 |
UN0029 | 131 |
UN0030 | 131 |
UN0033 | 130 |
UN0034 | 130 |
UN0035 | 130 |
UN0037 | 130 |
UN0038 | 130 |
UN0039 | 130 |
UN0042 | 132 |
UN0043 | 133 |
UN0044 | 133 |
UN0048 | 130 |
UN0049 | 135 |
UN0050 | 135 |
UN0054 | 135 |
UN0055 | 136 |
UN0056 | 130 |
UN0059 | 137 |
UN0060 | 132 |
UN0065 | 139 |
UN0066 | 140 |
UN0070 | 134 |
UN0072 | 112(a) |
UN0073 | 133 |
UN0074 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0075 | 115 |
UN0076 | 112 |
UN0077 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0078 | 112 |
UN0079 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0081 | 116 |
UN0082 | 116 or 117 |
UN0083 | 116 |
UN0084 | 116 |
UN0092 | 135 |
UN0093 | 135 |
UN0094 | 113 |
UN0099 | 134 |
UN0101 | 140 |
UN0102 | 139 |
UN0103 | 140 |
UN0104 | 139 |
UN0105 | 140 |
UN0106 | 141 |
UN0107 | 141 |
UN0110 | 141 |
UN0113 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0114 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0118 | 112 |
UN0121 | 142 |
UN0124 | US1 |
UN0129 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0130 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0131 | 142 |
UN0132 | 114(b) |
UN0133 | 112(a) |
UN0135 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0136 | 130 |
UN0137 | 130 |
UN0138 | 130 |
UN0143 | 115 |
UN0144 | 115 |
UN0146 | 112 |
UN0147 | 112(b) |
UN0150 | 112(a) or 112(b) |
UN0151 | 112 |
UN0153 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0154 | 112 |
UN0155 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0159 | 111 |
UN0160 | 114(b) |
UN0161 | 114(b) |
UN0167 | 130 |
UN0168 | 130 |
UN0169 | 130 |
UN0171 | 130 |
UN0173 | 134 |
UN0174 | 134 |
UN0180 | 130 |
UN0181 | 130 |
UN0182 | 130 |
UN0183 | 130 |
UN0186 | 130 |
UN0190 | 101 |
UN0191 | 135 |
UN0192 | 135 |
UN0193 | 135 |
UN0194 | 135 |
UN0195 | 135 |
UN0196 | 135 |
UN0197 | 135 |
UN0204 | 134 |
UN0207 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0208 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0209 | 112 |
UN0212 | 133 |
UN0213 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0214 | 112 |
UN0215 | 112 |
UN0216 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0217 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0218 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0219 | 112 |
UN0220 | 112 |
UN0221 | 130 |
UN0222 | 112(b), 112(c) or 117 |
UN0224 | 110(a) or 110(b) |
UN0225 | 133 |
UN0226 | 112(a) |
UN0234 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0235 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0236 | 114(a) or 114(b) |
UN0237 | 138 |
UN0238 | 130 |
UN0240 | 130 |
UN0241 | 116 or 117 |
UN0242 | 130 |
UN0243 | 130 |
UN0244 | 130 |
UN0245 | 130 |
UN0246 | 130 |
UN0247 | 101 |
UN0248 | 144 |
UN0249 | 144 |
UN0250 | 101 |
UN0254 | 130 |
UN0255 | 131 |
UN0257 | 141 |
UN0266 | 112 |
UN0267 | 131 |
UN0268 | 133 |
UN0271 | 143 |
UN0272 | 143 |
UN0275 | 134 |
UN0276 | 134 |
UN0277 | 134 |
UN0278 | 134 |
UN0279 | 130 |
UN0280 | 130 |
UN0281 | 130 |
UN0282 | 112 |
UN0283 | 132 |
UN0284 | 141 |
UN0285 | 141 |
UN0286 | 130 |
UN0287 | 130 |
UN0288 | 138 |
UN0289 | 139 |
UN0290 | 139 |
UN0291 | 130 |
UN0292 | 141 |
UN0293 | 141 |
UN0294 | 130 |
UN0295 | 130 |
UN0296 | 134 |
UN0297 | 130 |
UN0299 | 130 |
UN0300 | 130 |
UN0301 | 130 |
UN0303 | 130 |
UN0305 | 113 |
UN0306 | 133 |
UN0312 | 135 |
UN0313 | 135 |
UN0314 | 142 |
UN0315 | 142 |
UN0316 | 141 |
UN0317 | 141 |
UN0318 | 141 |
UN0319 | 133 |
UN0320 | 133 |
UN0321 | 130 |
UN0322 | 101 |
UN0323 | 134 |
UN0324 | 130 |
UN0325 | 142 |
UN0326 | 130 |
UN0327 | 130 |
UN0328 | 130 |
UN0329 | 130 |
UN0330 | 130 |
UN0331 | 116 or 117 |
UN0332 | 116 or 117 |
UN0333 | 135 |
UN0334 | 135 |
UN0335 | 135 |
UN0336 | 135 |
UN0337 | 135 |
UN0338 | 130 |
UN0339 | 130 |
UN0340 | 112(a) or 112(b) |
UN0341 | 112(b) |
UN0342 | 114(a) |
UN0343 | 111 |
UN0344 | 130 |
UN0345 | 130 |
UN0346 | 130 |
UN0347 | 130 |
UN0348 | 130 |
UN0349 | 101 |
UN0350 | 101 |
UN0351 | 101 |
UN0352 | 101 |
UN0353 | 101 |
UN0354 | 101 |
UN0355 | 101 |
UN0356 | 101 |
UN0357 | 101 |
UN0358 | 101 |
UN0359 | 101 |
UN0360 | 131 |
UN0361 | 131 |
UN0362 | 130 |
UN0363 | 130 |
UN0364 | 133 |
UN0365 | 133 |
UN0366 | 133 |
UN0367 | 141 |
UN0368 | 141 |
UN0369 | 130 |
UN0370 | 130 |
UN0371 | 130 |
UN0372 | 141 |
UN0373 | 135 |
UN0374 | 134 |
UN0375 | 134 |
UN0376 | 133 |
UN0377 | 133 |
UN0378 | 133 |
UN0379 | 136 |
UN0380 | 101 |
UN0381 | 134 |
UN0382 | 101 |
UN0383 | 101 |
UN0384 | 101 |
UN0385 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0386 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0387 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0388 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0389 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0390 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0391 | 112(a) |
UN0392 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0393 | 112(b) |
UN0394 | 112(a) |
UN0395 | 101 |
UN0396 | 101 |
UN0397 | 101 |
UN0398 | 101 |
UN0399 | 101 |
UN0400 | 101 |
UN0401 | 112 |
UN0402 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0403 | 135 |
UN0404 | 135 |
UN0405 | 135 |
UN0406 | 114(b) |
UN0407 | 114(b) |
UN0408 | 141 |
UN0409 | 141 |
UN0410 | 141 |
UN0411 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0412 | 130 |
UN0413 | 130 |
UN0414 | 130 |
UN0415 | 143 |
UN0417 | 130 |
UN0418 | 135 |
UN0419 | 135 |
UN0420 | 135 |
UN0421 | 135 |
UN0424 | 130 |
UN0425 | 130 |
UN0426 | 130 |
UN0427 | 130 |
UN0428 | 135 |
UN0429 | 135 |
UN0430 | 135 |
UN0431 | 135 |
UN0432 | 135 |
UN0433 | 111 |
UN0434 | 130 |
UN0435 | 130 |
UN0436 | 130 |
UN0437 | 130 |
UN0438 | 130 |
UN0439 | 137 |
UN0440 | 137 |
UN0441 | 137 |
UN0442 | 137 |
UN0443 | 137 |
UN0444 | 137 |
UN0445 | 137 |
UN0446 | 136 |
UN0447 | 136 |
UN0448 | 114(b) |
UN0449 | 101 |
UN0450 | 101 |
UN0451 | 130 |
UN0452 | 141 |
UN0453 | 130 |
UN0454 | 142 |
UN0455 | 131 |
UN0456 | 131 |
UN0457 | 130 |
UN0458 | 130 |
UN0459 | 130 |
UN0460 | 130 |
UN0461 | 101 |
UN0462 | 101 |
UN0463 | 101 |
UN0464 | 101 |
UN0465 | 101 |
UN0466 | 101 |
UN0467 | 101 |
UN0468 | 101 |
UN0469 | 101 |
UN0470 | 101 |
UN0471 | 101 |
UN0472 | 101 |
UN0473 | 101 |
UN0474 | 101 |
UN0475 | 101 |
UN0476 | 101 |
UN0477 | 101 |
UN0478 | 101 |
UN0479 | 101 |
UN0480 | 101 |
UN0481 | 101 |
UN0482 | 101 |
UN0483 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0484 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0486 | 101 |
UN0487 | 135 |
UN0488 | 130 |
UN0489 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0490 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0491 | 143 |
UN0492 | 135 |
UN0493 | 135 |
UN0494 | US1 |
UN0495 | 115 |
UN0496 | 112(b) or 112(c) |
UN0497 | 115 |
UN0498 | 114(b) |
UN0499 | 114(b) |
UN0500 | 131 |
UN0501 | 114(b) |
UN0502 | 130 |
UN0503 | 135 |
UN0504 | 112(c) |
UN0505 | 135 |
UN0506 | 135 |
UN0507 | 135 |
UN0508 | 114(b) |
UN0509 | 114(b) |
UN0510 | 130 |
NA0124 | US1 |
NA0276 | 134 |
NA0323 | 134 |
NA0331 | 116 or 117 |
NA0337 | 135 |
NA0349 | 133 |
NA0494 | US1 |
(c) Explosives must be packaged in accordance with the following table:
(1) The first column lists, in alphanumeric sequence, the packing methods prescribed for explosives in the Explosives Table of paragraph (b) of this section.
(2) The second column specifies the inner packagings that are required. If inner packagings are not required, a notation of “Not necessary” appears in the column. The term “Not necessary” means that a suitable inner packaging may be used but is not required.
(3) The third column specifies the intermediate packagings that are required. If intermediate packagings are not required, a notation of “Not necessary” appears in the column. The term “Not necessary” means that a suitable intermediate packaging may be used but is not required.
(4) The fourth column specifies the outer packagings which are required. If inner packagings and/or intermediate packagings are specified in the second and third columns, then the packaging specified in the fourth column must be used as the outer packaging of a combination packaging; otherwise it may be used as a single packaging.
(5) Packing Instruction 101 may be used for any explosive substance or article if an equivalent level of safety is shown to be maintained subject to the approval of the Associate Administrator.
Table 2 to Paragraph (c): Table of Packing Methods
Packing instruction | Inner packagings | Intermediate packagings |
Outer packagings |
101 | This Packing Instruction may be used as an alternative to a specifically assigned packing method with the approval of the Associate Administrator prior to transportation. When this packing instruction is used, the following must be marked on the shipping documents: “Packaging approved by the competent authority of the United States of America (USA)”. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. Samples of new or existing explosive substances or articles may be transported as directed by the Associate Administrator for purposes including: testing, classification, research and development, quality control, or as a commercial sample. Explosive samples which are wetted or desensitized must be limited to 25 kg. Explosive samples which are not wetted or desensitized must be limited to 10 kg in small packages as specified by the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety |
110(a) | Bags | Bags | Drums. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. The Intermediate packagings must be filled with water saturated material such as an anti-freeze solution or wetted cushioning 2. Outer packagings must be filled with water saturated material such as an anti-freeze solution or wetted cushioning. Outer packagings must be constructed and sealed to prevent evaporation of the wetting solution, except when 0224 is being carried dry |
plastics, textile, plastic coated or lined rubber textile, rubberized textile Receptacles wood |
plastics, textile, plastic coated or lined rubber textile, rubberized- Receptacles plastics metal wood |
steel (1A1 or 1A2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plastics-(1H1 or 1H2). |
110(b) | Bags | Dividing partitions | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS For UN 0074, 0113, 0114, 0129, 0130, 0135 and 0224, the following conditions must be satisfied: a. inner packagings must not contain more than 50 g of explosive substance (quantity corresponding to dry substance); b. each inner packaging must be separated from other inner packagings by dividing partitions; and c. the outer packaging must not be partitioned with more than 25 compartments |
rubber, conductive plastics, conductive Receptacles metal wood rubber, conductive plastics, conductive |
metal wood plastics fibreboard |
natural wood, sift-proof wall (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). |
111 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: For UN0159, inner packagings are not required when metal (1A1, 1A2, 1B1, 1B2, 1N1 or 1N2) or plastics (1H1 or 1H2) drums are used as outer packagings |
paper, waterproofed plastics textile, rubberized Sheets plastics textile, rubberized Receptacles wood |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, expanded (4H1). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiberboard (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
112(a) | Bags | Bags | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN Nos. 0004, 0076, 0078, 0154, 0219 and 0394, packagings must be lead free 2. Intermediate packagings are not required if leakproof drums are used as the outer packaging 3. For UN0072 and UN0226, intermediate packagings are not required |
paper, multiwall, water resistant plastics textile textile, rubberized woven plastics Receptacles metal plastics wood |
plastics textile, plastic coated or lined Receptacles metal plastics wood |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, expanded (4H1). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
112(b) | Bags | Bags | Bags. |
This packing instruction applies to dry solids other than powders PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN 0004, 0076, 0078, 0154, 0216, 0219 and 0386, packagings must be lead free 2. For UN0209, bags, sift-proof (5H2) are recommended for flake or prilled TNT in the dry state and a maximum net mass of 30 kg. 3. For UN0222, inner packagings are not required |
paper, Kraft paper, multiwall, water resistant plastics textile textile, rubberized plastics woven plastics |
(for UN0150 only) plastics textile, plastic coated or lined |
woven plastics sift-proof (5H2/3). plastics, film (5H4). textile, sift-proof (5L2). textile, water resistant (5L3). paper, multiwall, water resistant (5M2). Boxes steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof (4C2). plywood (4D) reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, expanded (4H1). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). plywood (1D). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
112(c) This packing instruction applies to solid dry powders | Bags | Bags | Boxes. |
1. For UN 0004, 0076, 0078, 0154, 0216, 0219 and 0386, packagings must be lead free 2. For UN0209, bags, sift-proof (5H2) are recommended for flake or prilled TNT in the dry state. Bags must not exceed a maximum net mass of 30 kg. 3. Inner packagings are not required if drums are used as the outer packaging. |
paper, multiwall, water resistant plastics, woven plastics, Receptacles, fiberboard, metal, plastics, wood | paper, multiwall, water resistant with inner lining, plastics, Receptacles, metal, plastics, wood 4. At least one of the packagings must be sift-proof 5. For UN 0504, metal packagings must not be used. Packagings of other material with a small amount of metal, for example metal closures or other metal fittings such as those mentioned in part 178 of this subchapter, are not considered metal packagings |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. plastics (1H1 or 1H2). steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). |
113 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN0094 and UN0305, no more than 50 g of substance must be packed in an inner packaging 2. For UN0027, inner packagings are not necessary when drums are used as the outer packaging 3. At least one of the packagings must be sift-proof 4. Sheets must only be used for UN0028 |
paper plastics textile, rubberized Receptacles fiberboard metal plastics wood Sheets paper, kraft paper, waxed |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift-proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums plastics (1H1 or 1H2). steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum-(1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). |
114(a) | Bags | Bags | Boxes |
This packing instruction applies to wetted solids PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN 0077, 0234, 0235 and 0236, packagings must be lead free 2. For UN0342, inner packagings are not required when metal (1A1, 1A2, 1B1, 1B2, 1N1 or 1N2) or plastics (1H1 or 1H2) drums are used as outer packagings 3. Intermediate packagings are not required if leakproof removable head drums are used as the outer packaging |
plastics textile woven plastics Receptacles metal plastics wood |
plastics textile, plastic coated or lined Receptacles metal plastics Dividing partitions wood |
steel (4A). other metal (4N). natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2) plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
114(b) | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
1. For UN Nos. 0077, 0132, 0234, 0235 and 0236, packagings must be lead free 2. For UN0160 and UN0161, when metal drums (1A2, 1B2 or 1N2) are used as the outer packaging, metal packagings must be so constructed that the risk of explosion, by reason of increased internal pressure from internal or external causes, is prevented. 3. For UN0160, UN0161, and UN0508, inner packagings are not necessary if drums are used as the outer packaging 4. For UN0508 and UN0509, metal packagings must not be used. Packagings of other material with a small amount of metal, for example metal closures or other metal fittings such as those mentioned in part 178 of this subchapter, are not considered metal packagings |
paper, kraft, plastics, textile, sift-proof, woven plastics, sift-proof, Receptacles, fiberboard, metal, paper, plastics, wood, plastics, sift-proof | natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift-proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F).fiberboard (4G). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). | |
115 | Receptacles | Bags | Boxes |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For liquid explosives, inner packagings must be surrounded with non-combustible absorbent cushioning material in sufficient quantity to absorb the entire liquid content. Metal receptacles should be cushioned from each other. The net mass of explosive per package may not exceed 30 kg when boxes are used as outer packaging. The net volume of explosive in each package other than boxes must not exceed 120 liters 2. For UN 0075, 0143, 0495 and 0497 when boxes are used as the outer packaging, inner packagings must have taped screw cap closures and be not more than 5 liters capacity each. A composite packaging consisting of a plastic receptacle in a metal drum (6HA1) may be used in lieu of combination packagings. Liquid substances must not freeze at temperatures above −15 °C (+ 5 °F) 3. For UN0144, intermediate packagings are not necessary. Aluminum drums (1B1 and 1B2) and metal, other than steel or aluminum, drums (1N1 and 1N2) must not be used. |
metal plastics wood |
plastics in metal receptacles Drums metal Receptacles wood |
natural wood, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). Drums. plastics (1H1 or 1H2). steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). Specification MC-200 containers may be used for transport by motor vehicle. |
116 | Bags | Not necessary | Bags. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN 0082, 0241, 0331 and 0332, inner packagings are not necessary if leakproof removable head drums are used as the outer packaging. 2. For UN 0082, 0241, 0331 and 0332, inner packagings are not required when the explosive is contained in a material impervious to liquid. 3. For UN 0081, inner packagings are not required when contained in rigid plastic that is impervious to nitric esters. 4. For UN 0331, inner packagings are not required when bags (5H2), (5H3) or (5H4) are used as outer packagings. 5. For UN0081, bags must not be used as outer packagings. |
paper, water and oil resistant plastics textile, plastic coated or lined woven plastics, sift-proof Receptacles fiberboard, water resistant metal plastics wood, sift-proof Sheets paper, water resistant paper, waxed plastics |
woven plastics (5H1/2/3). paper, multiwall, water resistant (5M2). plastics, film (5H4). textile, sift-proof (5L2). textile, water resistant (5L3). Boxes. steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). Jerricans. steel (3A1 or 3A2). plastics (3H1 or 3H2). |
117 | Not necessary | Not necessary | IBCs. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. This packing instruction may only be used for explosives of UN 0082 when they are mixtures of ammonium nitrate or other inorganic nitrates with other combustible substances that are not explosive ingredients. Such explosives must not contain nitroglycerin, similar liquid organic nitrates, liquid or solid nitrocarbons, or chlorates. 2. This packing instruction may only be used for explosives of UN 0241 that consist of water as an essential ingredient and high proportions of ammonium nitrate or other oxidizers, some or all of which are in solution. The other constituents may include hydrocarbons or aluminum powder, but must not include nitro-derivatives such as trinitrotoluene. 3. Metal IBCs must not be used for UN 0082, UN 0222 and UN 0241. 4. Flexible IBCs may only be used for solids. 5. For UN 0222, when other than metal or rigid plastics IBCs are used, they must be offered for transportation in a closed freight container or a closed transport vehicle. 6. For UN 0222, flexible IBCs must be sift-proof and water-resistant or must be fitted with a sift-proof and water-resistant liner. |
metal (11A), (11B), (11N), (21A), (21B), (21N), (31A), (31B), (31N). flexible (13H2), (13H3), (13H4), (13L2), (13L3), (13L4), (13M2). rigid plastics (11H1), (11H2), (21H1), (21H2), (31H1), (31H2). composite (11HZ1), (11HZ2), (21HZ1), (21HZ2), (31HZ1), (31HZ2). |
130 | Not necessary | Not necessary | Boxes. |
Particular Packaging Requirements: | |||
1. The following applies to UN 0006, 0009, 0010, 0015, 0016, 0018, 0019, 0034, 0035, 0038, 0039, 0048, 0056, 0137, 0138, 0168, 0169, 0171, 0181, 0182, 0183, 0186, 0221, 0238, 0243, 0244, 0245, 0246, 0254, 0280, 0281, 0286, 0287, 0297, 0299, 0300, 0301, 0303, 0321, 0328, 0329, 0344, 0345, 0346, 0347, 0362, 0363, 0370, 0412, 0424, 0425, 0434, 0435, 0436, 0437, 0438, 0451, 0459, 0488, 0502 and 0510. Large and robust explosives articles, normally intended for military use, without their means of initiation or with their means of initiation containing at least two effective protective features, may be carried unpackaged. When such articles have propelling charges or are self-propelled, their ignition systems must be protected against stimuli encountered during normal conditions of transport. A negative result in Test Series 4 on an unpackaged article indicates that the article can be considered for transport unpackaged. Such unpackaged articles may be fixed to cradles or contained in crates or other suitable handling devices 2. Subject to approval by the Associate Administrator, large explosive articles, as part of their operational safety and suitability tests, subjected to testing that meets the intentions of Test Series 4 of the UN Manual of Tests and Criteria with successful test results, may be offered for transportation in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter |
Steel (4A). Aluminum (4B). Other metal (4N). Wood natural, ordinary (4C1). Wood natural, sift-proof walls 4C2). Plywood (4D). Reconstituted wood (4F). Fiberboard (4G). Plastics, expanded (4H1). Plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. Steel (1A1 or 1A2). Aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). Other metal (1N1 or 1N2). Plywood (1D). Fiber (1G). Plastics (1H1 or 1H2). Large Packagings. Steel (50A). Aluminum (50B). Metal other than steel or aluminum (50N). Rigid lastics (50H). Natural wood (50C). Plywood (50D). Reconstituted wood (50F). Rigid fiberboard (50G). | ||
131 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN 0029, 0267 and 0455, bags and reels may not be used as inner packagings. 2. For UN 0030, 0255 and 0456, inner packagings are not required when detonators are packed in pasteboard tubes, or when their leg wires are wound on spools with the caps either placed inside the spool or securely taped to the wire on the spool, so as to restrict free moving of the caps and to protect them from impact forces. 3. For UN 0360, 0361 and 0500, detonators are not required to be attached to the safety fuse, metal-clad mild detonating cord, detonating cord, or shock tube. Inner packagings are not required if the packing configuration restricts free moving of the caps and protects them from impact forces. |
paper plastics Receptacles fiberboard metal plastics wood Reels |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). natural wood, sift proof walls (4C2). plastics, solid (4H2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). Aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). Plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
132(a) | Not necessary | Not necessary | Boxes |
For articles consisting of closed metal, plastic or fiberboard casings that contain detonating explosives, or consisting of plastics-bonded detonating explosives | steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural; ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). |
132(b) | Receptacles | Not necessary | Boxes |
For articles without closed casings | fiberboard metal plastics wood Sheets paper plastics |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). |
133 | Receptacles | Boxes. | |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN 0043, 0212, 0225, 0268 and 0306 trays are not authorized as inner packagings |
fiberboard metal plastics wood Trays, fitted with dividing partitions fiberboard plastics wood |
Intermediate packagings are only required when trays are used as inner packagings. Receptacles fiberboard metal plastics wood |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). |
134 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
water resistant Receptacles fiberboard metal plastics wood Sheets fiberboard, corrugated Tubes fiberboard |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, expanded (4H1). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. fiberboard (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). |
135 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
paper plastics Receptacles fiberboard metal plastics wood Sheets paper plastics |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, expanded (4H1). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2) plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
136 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
plastics textile Boxes. fiberboard plastics wood Dividing partitions in the outer packagings |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B) other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
137 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: For UN 0059, 0439, 0440 and 0441, when the shaped charges are packed singly, the conical cavity must face downwards and the package marked with orientation markings meeting the requirements of §172.312(a)(2) of this subchapter. When the shaped charges are packed in pairs, the conical cavities must face inwards to minimize the jetting effect in the event of accidental initiation |
plastics, Boxes, fiberboard, wood, Tubes, fiberboard, metal, plastics, Dividing partitions in the outer packagings | steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plastics, solid (4H2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2).aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). | |
138 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: If the ends of the articles are sealed, inner packagings are not necessary |
Plastics | steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. fiberboard (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). |
139 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN0065, 0102, 0104, 0289 and 0290, the ends of the detonating cord must be sealed, for example, by a plug firmly fixed so that the explosive cannot escape. The ends of CORD DETONATING flexible must be fastened securely. 2. For UN0065, 0104, 0289, 0290 the ends of the detonating cord are not required to be sealed provided the inner packaging containing the detonating cord consists of a static-resistant plastic bag of at least 3 mil thickness and the bag is securely closed. 3. For UN0065 and UN0289, inner packagings are not required when they are fastened securely in coils. |
140 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. If the ends of UN0105 are sealed, no inner packagings are required 2. For UN0101, the packaging must be sift-proof except when the fuse is covered by a paper tube and both ends of the tube are covered with removable caps 3. For UN0101, steel or aluminum boxes or drums must not be used |
plastics Reels Sheets paper, kraft plastics Receptacles wood |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. plastics (1H1 or 1H2). steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). |
141 | Receptacles | Not necessary | Boxes. |
fiberboard metal plastics wood Trays, fitted with dividing partitions plastics wood Dividing partitions in the outer packagings |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
142 | Bags | Not necessary | Boxes. |
paper plastics Receptacles fiberboard metal plastics wood Sheets paper Trays, fitted with dividing partitions plastics |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
143 | Bag | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: 1. For UN 0271, 0272, 0415 and 0491 when metal packagings are used, metal packagings must be so constructed that the risk of explosion, by reason of increase in internal pressure from internal or external causes is prevented 2. Composite packagings (6HH2) (plastic receptacle with outer solid box) may be used in lieu of combination packagings |
paper, kraft plastics textile textile, rubberized Receptacles fiberboard metal plastics wood Trays, fitted with dividing partitions plastics wood |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B). other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1). wood, natural, sift proof walls (4C2). plywood (4D). reconstituted wood (4F). fiberboard (4G). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plywood (1D). fiber (1G). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). |
144 | Receptacles | Not necessary | Boxes. |
PARTICULAR PACKING REQUIREMENTS OR EXCEPTIONS: For UN0248 and UN 0249, packagings must be protected against the ingress of water. When CONTRIVANCES, WATER ACTIVATED are transported unpackaged, they must be provided with at least two independent protective features that prevent the ingress of water |
fiberboard metal plastics wood Dividing partitions in the outer packagings |
steel (4A). aluminum (4B) other metal (4N). wood, natural, ordinary (4C1) with metal liner. plywood (4D) with metal liner. reconstituted wood (4F) with metal liner. plastics, expanded (4H1). plastics, solid (4H2). Drums. steel (1A1 or 1A2). aluminum (1B1 or 1B2). other metal (1N1 or 1N2). plastics (1H1 or 1H2). plywood (1D). |
US 1 | |||
1. A jet perforating gun, charged, oil well may be transported under the following conditions: | |||
a. Initiation devices carried on the same motor vehicle or offshore supply vessel must be segregated; each kind from every other kind, and from any gun, tool or other supplies, unless approved in accordance with §173.56. Segregated initiation devices must be carried in a container having individual pockets for each such device or in a fully enclosed steel container lined with a non-sparking material. No more than two segregated initiation devices per gun may be carried on the same motor vehicle. | |||
b. Each shaped charge affixed to the gun may not contain more than 112 g (4 ounces) of explosives. | |||
c. Each shaped charge if not completely enclosed in glass or metal, must be fully protected by a metal cover after installation in the gun. | |||
d. A jet perforating gun classed as 1.1D or 1.4D may be transported by highway by private or contract carriers engaged in oil well operations. | |||
(i) A motor vehicle transporting a gun must have specially built racks or carrying cases designed and constructed so that the gun is securely held in place during transportation and is not subject to damage by contact, one to the other or any other article or material carried in the vehicle; and | |||
(ii) The assembled gun packed on the vehicle may not extend beyond the body of the motor vehicle. | |||
e. A jet perforating gun classed as 1.4D may be transported by a private offshore supply vessel only when the gun is carried in a motor vehicle as specified in paragraph (d) of this packing method or on offshore well tool pallets provided that: | |||
(i) All the conditions specified in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this packing method are met; | |||
(ii) The total explosive contents do not exceed 95 kg (209.43 pounds) per tool pallet; | |||
(iii) Each cargo vessel compartment may contain up to 95 kg (209.43 pounds) of explosive content if the segregation requirements in §176.83(b) of this subchapter are met; and | |||
(iv) When more than one vehicle or tool pallet is stowed “on deck” a minimum horizontal separation of 3 m (9.8 feet) must be provided. |
[Amdt. 173-260, 62 FR 24720, May 6, 1997]