Each calendar year, public filers and other employees specified in this section must complete ethics training that meets the following requirements.
(a) Coverage. In any calendar year, this section applies to each employee who is required to file an annual public financial disclosure report pursuant to §2634.201(a) of this chapter during that calendar year, except for an employee who ceases to be a public filer during that calendar year.
(b) Deadline. A public filer must complete required annual ethics training before the end of the calendar year.
(c) Qualifications of presenter. The employee conducting any live training presentation must have knowledge of government ethics laws and regulations and must be qualified, as the DAEO deems appropriate, to answer the types of basic and advanced questions that are likely to arise regarding the required content.
(d) Duration. The duration of training must be sufficient for the agency to communicate the required content, but at least 1 hour. Agencies must provide employees with 1 hour of duty time to complete interactive training and review any written materials.
(e) Format. The annual ethics training must meet the following formatting requirements.
(1) Employees whose pay is set at Level I or Level II of the Executive Schedule must complete 1 hour of live training each year, unless a matter of vital national interest makes it necessary for an employee to complete interactive training in lieu of live training in a particular year.
(2) Other civilian employees identified in section 103(c) of the Act who are stationed in the United States must complete live training once every 2 years and interactive training in alternate years. In extraordinary circumstances, the DAEO may grant written authorization for an employee who is required to complete live training in a particular year to complete interactive training.
(3) All other employees covered by this section must complete interactive training.
(f) Content. The following content requirements apply to annual ethics training for employees covered by this section.
(1) Training presentation. The training presentation must focus on government ethics laws and regulations that the DAEO deems appropriate for the employees participating in the training. The presentation must address concepts related to the following subjects:
(i) Financial conflicts of interest;
(ii) Impartiality;
(iii) Misuse of position; and
(iv) Gifts.
(2) Written materials. In addition to the training presentation, the agency must provide the employee with either the following written materials or written instructions for accessing them:
(i) The summary of the Standards of Conduct distributed by the Office of Government Ethics or an equivalent summary prepared by the agency;
(ii) Provisions of any supplemental agency regulations that the DAEO determines to be relevant or a summary of those provisions;
(iii) Such other written materials as the DAEO determines should be included; and
(iv) Instructions for contacting the agency's ethics office.
(g) Tracking. The following tracking requirements apply to training conducted pursuant to this section. An employee covered by this section must confirm in writing the completion of annual ethics training and must comply with any procedures established by the DAEO for such confirmation. If the DAEO or other presenter has knowledge that an employee completed required training, that individual may record the employee's completion of the training, in lieu of requiring the employee to provide written confirmation. In the case of an automated system that delivers interactive training, the DAEO may deem the employee to have confirmed the completion of the training if the system tracks completion automatically.