Any person having an interest in crops being damaged or threatened with damage by migratory waterfowl in circumstances meeting the criteria prescribed in §90.15 may make application for grain for use in luring such waterfowl away from such crops by submitting a written request to the Regional Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service regional office having administrative jurisdiction over the wildlife activities in the State where the affected crops are located. (See §2.2 for geographical jurisdiction and addresses of regional offices.) Such applications may be in letter form but must contain information disclosing the location, nature, condition and extent of the crops being damaged or threatened, and the particular species of migratory waterfowl committing or threatening to commit damage. For the purposes of this section any authorized official of Federal, State, or local governmental body shall be deemed to be a “person” and to have such an interest in crops threatened with damages as to qualify him as an applicant.

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