Longitude | Latitude | ||
168 | 7.41 W | 65 | *37.91 N |
165 | 1.54 W | 60 | 45.54 N |
167 | 59.98 W | 60 | 45.55 N |
169 | 00.00 W | 60 | 35.50 N |
169 | 00.00 W | 61 | 00.00 N |
171 | 45.00 W | 61 | 00.00 N |
171 | 45.00 W | 60 | 54.00 N |
174 | 1.24 W | 60 | 54.00 N |
176 | 13.51 W | 62 | 6.56 N |
172 | 24.00 W | 63 | 57.03 N |
172 | 24.00 W | 62 | 42.00 N |
168 | 24.00 W | 62 | 42.00 N |
168 | 24.00 W | 64 | 0.00 N |
172 | 17.42 W | 64 | 0.01 N |
168 | 58.62 W | 65 | 30.00 N |
168 | 58.62 W | 65 | **49.81 N |
Note: The area is delineated by connecting the coordinates in the order listed by straight lines except as noted by * below. The last set of coordinates for the area is connected to the first set of coordinates for the area by a straight line. The projected coordinate system is North American Datum 1983, Albers.
*This boundary extends in a clockwise direction from this set of geographic coordinates along the shoreline at mean lower-low tide line to the next set of coordinates.
**Intersection of the 1990 United States/Russia maritime boundary line and a line from Cape Prince of Wales to Cape Dezhneva (Russia) that defines the boundary between the Chukchi and Bering Seas, Area 400 and Area 514, respectively.
[75 FR 61652, Oct. 6, 2010]