Instructions for Form FMC-83
Line 1. Registration. Indicate whether this is the initial (first time) registration or an amendment to an existing Service Contract Registration.
Line 2. Registrant. This must be the full legal name of the firm or individual registering for the FMC's Service Contract Filing System and any trade names. The registrant name should match the corporate charter or business license, conference membership, etc. It should be noted that the registrant name cannot be changed by the registrant after the registration without submission of an amended registration fee.
Line 3. Address of Home Office. The complete street address should be shown in addition to the post office box. Also, provide the registrant's Federal Taxpayer Identification Number (“TIN” Number).
Line 4. Billing Address if Different. This should be completed if the billing address differs from the home office address. Show the firm name (if different from the registrant), street address and post office box (if applicable).
Line 5. Organization Number. Complete if known. (Regulated Persons Index or “RPI” number.)
Line 6. Registrant Type. Indicate the type of organization. A registrant cannot be more than one type. This data cannot be changed by the registrant after registration without submission of an amended registration form.
Line 7. Permissions Requested and Person Granted These Permissions. Delegation of the authority to file should be noted here.
Maintenance of Organization Record—The person listed in line 8 is authorized to access the organization maintenance functions (i.e., modify organization information, assign publishers, affiliations, and d/b/as).
Service Contract Filing—The person listed in line 8 is authorized only to submit filings.
Line 8. Certified for Batch Filing. Indicate whether the registrant was registered with software certified to perform batch filings prior to May 1, 1999. Otherwise, the registrant must first be certified for batch filing as outlined in 46 CFR part 530. After certification, the registrant can submit an amended registration form to request permission for a person in their organization to perform the batch filing. If the person already has an existing log-on, the log-on (not the password) should be listed on the registration form. Also, the certification date received from the FMC should be listed on the registration form.