(a) Each owner or operator of a light-oil sump shall enclose and seal the liquid surface in the sump to form a closed system to contain the emissions.
(1) Except, the owner or operator may elect to install, operate, and maintain a vent on the light-oil sump cover. Each vent pipe must be equipped with a water leg seal, a pressure relief device, or vacuum relief device.
(2) Except, the owner or operator may elect to install, operate, and maintain an access hatch on each light-oil sump cover. Each access hatch must be equipped with a gasket and a cover, seal, or lid that must be kept in a closed position at all times, unless in actual use.
(3) The light-oil sump cover may be removed for periodic maintenance but must be replaced (with seal) at completion of the maintenance operation.
(b) The venting of steam or other gases from the by-product process to the light-oil sump is not permitted.
(c) Following the installation of any control equipment used to meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section, the owner or operator shall monitor the connections and seals on each control system to determine if it is operating with no detectable emissions, using Method 21 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A) and the procedures specified in §61.245(c), and shall visually inspect each source (including sealing materials) for evidence of visible defects such as gaps or tears. This monitoring and inspection shall be conducted semiannually and at any other time the cover is removed.
(1) If an instrument reading indicates an organic chemical concentration more than 500 ppm above a background concentration, as measured by Method 21, a leak is detected.
(2) If visible defects such as gaps in sealing materials are observed during a visual inspection, a leak is detected.
(3) When a leak is detected, it shall be repaired as soon as practicable, but not later than 15 calendar days after it is detected.
(4) A first attempt at repair of any leak or visible defect shall be made no later than 5 calendar days after each leak is detected.
[54 FR 38073, Sept. 14, 1989, as amended at 65 FR 62157, Oct. 17, 2000]